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Everything posted by cutender

  1. cutender

    ArmA2 crash to desktop

    I am playing english version but it crashes when just about to play my first mission or any mission.. My system is.. -Intel i5 520M 2.4 -Nvidia 320M 1gb video card -4gb memory -Acer notebook with Win 7 not overclocked but user accout control (UAC) is on. Pissed off too..can someone help? Thakns...Diddy ---------- Post added at 04:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 AM ---------- I am playing english version but it crashes when just about to play my first mission or any mission.. My system is.. -Intel i5 520M 2.4 -Nvidia 320M 1gb video card -4gb memory -Acer notebook with Win 7 (64 bit) not overclocked but user accout control (UAC) is on. Pissed off too..can someone help? Thakns...Diddy