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About Joshtradamus

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  1. Joshtradamus

    RH MGS wpn pack 1.1

    Hi all im having a slight problem thats preventing me from loading mission progress. I keep getting the message that RH_ either hk416 or m4 require the ace_sys_attachment mod. Im positive im using the non ace version. Any thoughts?
  2. Joshtradamus

    SEAL Team Six

    Now sometimes when i load my progress in a mission im getting an error saying im missing the ace-sys-attachments file in robert hammers HK416 mod. Im positive ive downloaded and install the non ace version. Any insight?
  3. Joshtradamus

    SEAL Team Six

    Hey sick, as it turns out you were right about not having a mod installed. For all of those having the game freeze when they click on the continue screen or to load up a mission your most likely missing a mod the campaign is dependant on. I used the console to unlock all the missions in the campaign and selected replay and the game at least tried to lauch the mission but was unable to do so because i didnt have robert hammers mk_18 mod installed. So for those of you having trouble identifying what mod you are missing give this console trick a shot.
  4. Joshtradamus

    SEAL Team Six

    Gotta say i love the first mission of ST6 but im running into a problem. Upon completing the mission when i click continue at the statistics screen the game freezes. I ended the process of arma 2 in my task manager and fired it up again and when i tried the ST6 campaign again i had unlock mission two. But when i click play the game freezes again. Any thoughts?