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Everything posted by Vision16

  1. I watched the new editor tutorials on the ArmA 2 official site and I attempted to make IED's in my mission. I made an object (garbage) and named it IED and then made a marker named * random * and grouped these two to make it so the IED had another "random" spawn point. I then set a trigger with the script pointing to a SQF file I made named IED.sqf that had the same script for the IED as the tutorial video. But when I try and preview it to make the IED work, when I drive through the trigger, a error pops up saying " Script IED.sqf not found. " What do I do to make the IED work?
  2. I implemented Norrin's revive script into my mission and there are a couple problems. 1. When I die, I only respawn at my designated respawn point, and a revive dialog doesn't even show up. For example, if I die, the score menu comes up and it says "Wait (4) seconds to continue playing" and then I respawn at base. 2. When I start up my mission, I spawn in as one of the players (yes, they are "playable") and when I press start mission (Continue on map) after I finish receiving, a black screen comes up and says "Unit selected is unconscious. Please press escape and choose a playable unit from the units menu and try again." Please help. I really want this mission working.
  3. Vision16

    Revive Script

    In your revive.init file you should have a section saying "Base_1". You should set a marker (F6) in your base with the same name as the name in your "Base_1" spot and designate how many spawnpoints there are above the "Base_1". The "Respawn_west" marker can be set anywhere, it's just for the coding of your respawn.
  4. Vision16

    Revive Script

    I removed the Briefing line and it still does it...I don't really understand how to do that briefing so I may just live with clicking continue once :D
  5. Vision16

    Revive Script

    Hmm...Edit button wont load...Anyways.. I have one more very minor problem. When I start up my mission and spawn in, a little error message pops up saying "Script Briefing.sqf not found." I can just click continue and it doesn't mess anything up but I just wanted to see if there was an easy fix.
  6. Vision16

    Revive Script

    Yeah I know what you mean...I changed it and worked now. Thank you so much man!
  7. Vision16

    Revive Script

    Do you mean the name under the type of soldier in the editor where it says name? I should put s1, s2, etc...?
  8. Vision16

    Revive Script

    I implemented Norrin's revive script into my mission and there is only one problem. 1. When I die, I only respawn at my designated respawn point, and a revive dialog doesn't even show up. For example, if I die, the score menu comes up and it says "Wait (4) seconds to continue playing" and then I respawn at base. Please help. I really want this mission working. *EDIT* Going off of what Ninja said, I checked my revive.init.sqf. On the NORRN_player_units, I have " [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12]; " On the can_respawn and can_be_respawned, the unit name is "SoldierWB". Does this count as named or do they have to be the same? Also, on max_respawns, I have " (paramsArray select 1); " ...Should I set this instead to 1000 or is it fine the way it is?
  9. Yes I have that in my init.sqf file but it's still just doing the respawn thing. It's like revive isn't enabled or something but I checked and it definitely is.
  10. *EDIT* Accidental double post
  11. 1. I tested out the mission with a friend and he could not revive me even when he was within 100 meters of me. 2. Thank you, I'll try that.
  12. *EDIT* Accidental double post
  13. Ok I did that and now it stopped doing the "Script not found" but the IED won't detonate when I drive past it. In the editor tutorial, the activation said "Vehicle" but in my editor, there is no option for a vehicle activation, only "Detected by BLUFOR." How do I make the IED explode?
  14. My interaction key is not working...I tried it in the normal key between the windows key and right control but that didn't work so I tried many different keys and they still don't work...Please help! PS, Yes I did change the key number to the one that corresponds to the key I changed it to and my userconfig/ace is in my Steam > Steam Apps > Common > Userconfig > Ace.
  15. Can someone help with the error Im getting?
  16. I am running the Six Updater GUI and it runs for a bit then opens a web document with this at the top: " ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in MainController#index " Followed by a lot of stuff about rubygems and things. And at the top of the web document it says "Exception caught." How do I fix this so I can install ACE 2? I also have ArmA 2 and OA installed separately on Steam so I need help making ACE work and everything.