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About PallaS

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  1. me and a couple of friends can't even start up the CO nor the OA at all! it instantly gives the dialogbox "Program doesnt work anymore, searching for solutions". Onlything we seem to have in common is vista and having bought the CObundle from steam. Ive tried to defrag the files but nojoy, checked integrety and still nojoy, completely removed it and redownloaded it... guess what... NOJOY! now aparently there are plenty of vista users playing the game without probs so vista shouldnt be the prob what leaves us with only one option... STEAM! Could it be the devs of the game were so in the clouds with their heads thinking about that new BAFthing that they totaly neglected testing this patch well???? something slightly offtopic; before you bring out a new expantion you better make sure the current works properly, another thing you should considder is not to split up the community even more as it allready is so tiny, cause if you do so you will follow the same road to extinction as soo many games have done before you! Dare to look further than your own gameworld.