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Everything posted by pettka

  1. pettka

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    E3 Supports video and quick notes on Doupe.cz (in Czech :icon_twisted:): http://doupe.zive.cz/doupecz/palebna-podpora-bude-v-arme-iii-mocnym-pomocnikem/sr-1-sc-108-a-143846
  2. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Generic hints are going to be shown on the right, this is just one of them. And Arma users are mostly used to have command menu on the left, why would we make them cry :icon_twisted:
  3. Do You think the formula is this easy in a game, which simulates movement of stars in background? There is a lot more taken into account than You would think :icon_twisted:
  4. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    RiE's Twitter page :icon_twisted:
  5. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Dead animations? I forgot what this could mean since we have rag(e)doll, could You, sir, kindly please, try to remind me? :icon_twisted:
  6. pettka

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    Welcome to the forums! Don't take this personally, sir, but this subject has been discused so many times before: PurePassion, could You, please, add this image to the first post right after Mi-48? It would probably help just a bit :icon_twisted:
  7. pettka

    Arma ]|[ Development Tools

    Imagine there were some tutorials to make transition form A2 to A3 modding easier. What would You need to know? There is a plenty of devs around reading every post on the forum :icon_twisted:
  8. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Well, let's say this is not going to be entirely impossible :icon_twisted:
  9. pettka

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    I would guess it would be either 6.5 or 6.8 of some sorts. The main advantage of 6.8x43mm cartridge is in similarity to 5.56x45mm one, but he 6.5 has a bit better ballistic profile, as far as I know :icon_twisted:
  10. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    There is always some way, but You would have to ask the right question on air (*cough*dirty*cough*dozen*cough) to get the right answer :icon_twisted: Which is by the way quite an unique opportunity for community members to even change the development - I hope that the LimnosRadio would gie us all the questions at least to look at :icon_twisted: But to help at least a bit - if You take a pink vest on Your orange uniform, it wouldn't change the colour and You would look extremely awful :icon_twisted:
  11. pettka

    Operation E3

    I used to clap down my NVG like You, but then I took an arrow into the knee :icon_twisted:
  12. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Near miss :icon_twisted: But great perception anyway.
  13. Nope, Lord Ivan has an older computer making wierd noises right behind my back :icon_twisted:
  14. pettka

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    Ninja'd. It's in Czech, but the vid is self-explaining :icon_twisted:
  15. Don't forget Doupe.cz was right here in our office, they should launch their vid and article anytime soon (hopefully not Valve time) :icon_twisted:
  16. Look at the map in briefing of Supports mission and see the name for Namer AA :icon_twisted: Or ask some camera to do this for You :icon_twisted:
  17. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I am still quite surprised by theories about Prince of Arma's pic, or lack thereof. I had hoped for some near to real guesses what could it mean to player community, what are we going to show and stuff :icon_twisted: It seems that we are crunching in vain. No moar work on A3 'till Prince of Arma's going to be praised and held on hands on E3, abandon (pa)troll routes, lads :icon_twisted:
  18. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    And what about my :icon_twisted: - key?
  19. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Wait for it :icon_twisted: There usually are press kits for shows like E3, and they usually contain wallpapers. Try to ask Lord Ivan and Prince of Arma about these :icon_twisted:
  20. Watch it on E3 :icon_twisted:
  21. pettka

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    Doupe.cz: About light effects http://doupe.zive.cz/doupecz/arma-3-predstavuje-svetelne-efekty/sr-1-sc-108-a-143585 And they are going to visit BI anytime soonTM :icon_twisted:
  22. C'mon! You all have quite an unique opportunity to ask anything You like nearly anyone in the team, even people directly in the warzone :icon_twisted:
  23. Just one? You are feeling really lucky. Shoot more of them and hope that some are going to be chosen :icon_twisted:
  24. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Nice try, but that are two questions. Are You feeling lucky enough to choose both of them? :icon_twisted:
  25. Relax, there is no need to fire a dead man, that would require a lot more paperwork :icon_twisted: