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Everything posted by pettka

  1. pettka

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    Another article from Doupe in Czech - first impressions from playing alpha. They have called it as the Alpha Simulator :icon_twisted: http://doupe.zive.cz/clanek/arma-3---alfa-simulator-dojmy
  2. Or try to look into the game directory for arma3_quick-start_guide.pdf - it is going to be set as a game manual soon(Valve-time) :icon_twisted:
  3. pettka

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    In Czech, the new trailer for Alpha and vision of 2013: http://doupe.zive.cz/clanek/nechte-se-nalakat-na-alfa-verzi-army-iii-novym-trailerem
  4. 6.95 GB at this moment, to be precise :icon_twisted:
  5. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    As Matt Lightfoot pointed out on Twitter: ? :icon_twisted:
  6. pettka

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    Quite good article about the ARG and pictures: http://kotaku.com/5988182/these-new-arma-3-screenshots-look-pretty-darn-realistic
  7. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    And don't forget to check Dslyecxi's for his videos :icon_twisted:
  8. pettka

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    Wait for it, Vespa did some amazing work on those :icon_twisted:
  9. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    How dare You to even mention that? I was wearing tin-foil-hat during the whole process, it was the only way to keep the rests of my sanity (probably without any success) :icon_twisted:
  10. pettka

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    http://doupe.zive.cz/clanek/alfa-verze-army-3-se-objevi-pristi-tyden-finalni-hra-ve-3-ctvrtleti Doupe (in Czech) about 2013 plans and Alpha versions :icon_twisted:
  11. pettka

    Arma3 gameservers spotted

    ... :icon_twisted:
  12. pettka

    Arma3 gameservers spotted

    If You find a shady cottage on edge of dark forest surrounded by wild boars roaming around a myth, feel free to do so for all the Arma stuff :icon_twisted:
  13. This should explain everything :icon_twisted:
  14. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Nice one, not direct hit, but at least miles closer :icon_twisted:
  15. pettka

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    http://doupe.zive.cz/clanek/limnos-se-v-arme-3-zmeni-na-altis-kvuli-incidentu-v-recku In Czech :icon_twisted:
  16. pettka

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    "This report was written based on visits to the Brno studio artists before their arrest in Greece and has been authorized by Bohemia Interactive. Next time will be followed by an interview with Ivan Buchta and preview properties ArmA third." - Wait for it :icon_twisted:
  17. Try to look for E3 and Gamescom videos, shooting range contains at least some examples of most of stance modifications :icon_twisted:
  18. And how was the community split? I still wonder how may anyone blame us for splitting the community even when we added lite versions of DLCs to allow all players, not only DLC buyers, to play with new units and features. Or are features for free splitting the community? :icon_twisted:
  19. I wouldn't be so sure about the designations, Sandstorm is M5 and Holosight doesn't have any, as far s I can remember :icon_twisted: This is an infraction, but welcome on the forums :icon_twisted:
  20. pettka

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    Doupe.cz has really positive impressions from playing Arma 3 on Gamecom (in Czech): http://doupe.zive.cz/doupecz/arma-3---cesi-nedelaji-ostudu-dojmy/sr-1-sc-108-a-143999 - most of stuff were said to be work in progress, mainly vehicles and controls - he managed to hear the music and liked it - he appreciated developers on site and community feedback on formums :icon_twisted:
  21. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Nope, it's rather the other way around, wait for more info :icon_twisted:
  22. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Because Prince of Arma is The Voice :icon_twisted:
  23. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Bloody hell, did I write Team Mike? It was Team Bravo. Nevertheless, it was great fun to have direct feedback during the whole day, just wait for the showcase on GC (or during Focus testing for the lucky lot) :icon_twisted:
  24. pettka

    Arma 3 hands on @ Gamescom 2012!

    And anti-EMP shielding for Your cam - remember the poor Gamespot guys on E3 stuck by EMP waves from Project Splendid :icon_twisted: