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About Makikou

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  1. Cant wait for it, we played the old version a bit and really missed some ACE features :)
  2. Probably going to buy it, if it works well, the flight model is nice and MP is interesting, its going to be amazing. I'd love to fly a TV-heli, police heli etc.
  3. Makikou

    Ovaron Island

    Okay, thanks, i got both bought as combined ops from Steam so ill need to tweak a bit since Steam installs both games to diff folders and links them by registry only.
  4. Makikou

    Ovaron Island

    Question which has probably been answered but anyways: ARMA 2 OA or ARMA 2?
  5. Makikou

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    Im not trolling, checked Addon Sync with ARMA2 OA @ ACE mod. over 75% locked and publics either NZ or NA servers. Why can't Bohemia deliver steam patch at the same time? I guess i cant play then.
  6. Makikou

    Steam and 1.54/1.07

    My mate just tried to play and entered 2 servers, both asked for a new version.
  7. Makikou

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    Soo, are you even going to give it to us. Released the patch like 1 day ago and still not on Steam. Are you going to make us wait for 7 hours more? Nice customer support guys, really nice.. :mad:
  8. Makikou

    Steam and 1.54/1.07

    Soo, are you even going to give it to us. Released the patch like 1 day ago and still not on Steam. Are you going to make us wait for 7 hours more? Nice customer support guys, really nice.. :mad: