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Posts posted by Marlboroman

  1. I have the Steam version of arma2 , arma2oa and the British dlc.

    I have no problems joining 'normal' cd install servers etc.

    However, there are a few points he should be aware of...

    first, if your running arma2 only... arma2 oa wont see the server at all.

    if you start the server with ao, he needs to as well...

    sounds obvious? its not.

    combined ops makes it a bit different. steam version of combined ops, you have to run a BATCH file... tell him to find that batchfile, and run it. (or go into the steam browser and use the link there.)

    if you use mods, the steam version gets a bit messier... you can add the mods into the steam launcher... but your always stuck with them. instead, copy the batch file, and down at the bottom, you can add specific mods via commandline.. and u can have alot of diff setups for that with more than one batchfile.

    (hope i made sense! sometimes i go off on tangents lol)



    Thanks for your help on this, i finally managed to get addons working which meant i could join our clans server but i must point out that steam have yet again really screwed things up!!! you guys (STEAM) are selling products that are not fully compatible with your operating platform, yes you have the base running but people want to enhance their experience by using mods and you guys should have really prepared for this. Please comunicate with Bohemia to try and resolve your outstanding bugs with this sim. I mean cmon guys with the amount of money you are charging for titles surely you can afford to get a team on board to help on these type of issues??? I would REALLY be interetsed in receiving an honest answer from steam about this and why claim to support a product when in actual fact you guys don't!!

  2. Hi all,

    To all those who are getting random crashes to desktop can i ask whether or not you have a usb joystick or some usb peripheral plugged in that may be causing this issue?? I (fingers crossed and touch wood and all that) believe i may have resolved this issue by realising that while i had my sidewinder forcefeedback joystick plugged in the game would ctd all the time at random points mainly 5-10 min into a campaign so i reformatted etc (win7 64 bit) and noticed that i had forgot to plug joystick in to play but noticed that this time the game worked fine in training missions, i came back to the game later and plugged it in and lone behold it crashed again!! so i tried again without the joystick plugged in and was able to play campaign so far (1-2 hours) no crashing.

    I hope this helps as i myself know how bloody frustrating this has been.

    All the best and let me know how you all get on!!!

