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Posts posted by Krowkie

  1. Please BI add the following:

    Real bomber aircrafts which can bomb from miles up with radar

    Option to change clothes whenever

    Fix MP Netcode

    Be able to lower pistol

    Decent animations when entering/leaving vehicle

    Less weirdish animation when running unarmed/pistol

    Thank you

  2. Reading trough many comments, I find it funny that many people bash on the futuristic setting...

    The setting will be just far enough in the future (2015-2030?) for BI to be creative and come up with there own creations/mashups. Myself I like a near-future setting, but don't worry there won't be any laser guns and plasma rifles...

  3. I'm pretty sure nobody mentioned this,

    I don't know if this is possible in RL or not, but it's hella handy for RPG/general MP missions:

    Please enable aircrafts to go backwards (even if ultra slow) or atleast make a vehicle which can pull/push an aircraft back/forward.

  4. You will also be pleased to know that this time around the sea looks/behaves like a real sea, with realistic waves and boats with physx!

    Also for underwater gameplay check the Gamespot Live Cam from 2:30:00, including fly over island, vehicle physx test, water physx,..

    EDIT: I can already imagine a MP mission where 1 team starts underwater and the other team has to defend a coastal village but you don't know exactly where the enemies will pop there heads. This game gonna rock :)

  5. At the top of the script, try waitUntil {time > 0} or add a small sleep. Not sure if it helps.

    If you get an error message due to the waitUntil, you may have to spawn the contents as well (unsure).


    [] spawn {

    waitUntil {time > 0};

    ...contents of the script...


    waitUntil dind't seem to help, it's strange though. It says: error playmove, type number expected object

    but sometimes w1 up to w9 do the animation and nobody else does anything...

  6. Hi, I made a noobish script to make all my guys inside my base initiate the animations, this is the script:

    {_x playMove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idle56kliky"} forEach 
    {_x playMove "ActsPercSnonWnonDnon_carFixing2"} forEach [eng3,eng4];
    {_x playMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medic1"} forEach [med1];
    {_x playMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDr_medic5"} forEach [med2];
    {_x playMove "sitUnarm_L_relaxing"} forEach [eng1];
    {_x playMove "aidlpercmstpsraswrfldnon_idlesteady01n"} forEach [guard1,guard5,guard6];
    {_x playMove "aidlpercmstpsraswrfldnon_idlesteady02n"} forEach [guard3,guard7];
    {_x playMove "aidlpercmstpsraswrfldnon_idlesteady03n"} forEach [guard2,guard4,guard8];
    {_x playMove "UnaErc_UnaErcPoslechVelitele"} forEach [eng2];

    then I put execVM "USanimations.sqf" in my init.sqf, can anyone help me?

  7. I've been messing around with animations in-game using:

    nul = this spawn { sleep 1; _this switchMove "" };

    but when I made a group of soldiers all doing full workout with differant sleep's, this whas the result (after some time)

    There kinda funny though. (first press the link, then enter the code. Re-click the link and you will see the images)

    http://www.imagedump.com/view.php?file=562228.jpg code: comeonin

    http://www.imagedump.com/view.php?file=562229.jpg code: comeonin

    http://www.imagedump.com/view.php?file=562231.jpg code: comeonin

    Can anyone help me?
