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About archer-brad

  • Rank
    Private First Class


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    Army Cadets

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  1. archer-brad

    [HELP]Presentation about Mil stuff

    Hi, I'm not to good on this topic but I can tell you a few things about uavs, in Afghanistan they are actually controlled by a base in nevada in the u.s. I'm not sure why in all honesty but they are launched in Afghanistan then command is witches over to the RAF base/ u.s base they fly the missions and when they land it's swapped back over. The other thing I can tell you is that uavs can fly at very high altitudes and they generally use rotor blades instead of jet engines because they are quieter. As for the weapon guidance, I know that the missiles nose is a kind of glass dome with special mirrors that rotate inside to always keep on the laser beam to change it's course, I think it can pierce something like 5cm when 8km away Brad
  2. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Tensions are wearing thin, let's hope some one doesn't go crazy and kill the forum server...
  3. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I assume its there motto? not an actual text of info
  4. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    zippers e-mail said which of us is our apparently. in persian not farci
  5. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    hey if he got a phone call from them, couldnt he redial? they wouldnt be expecting that and if it is a bis guy he might answer in his native tongue?
  6. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    hehe, now that theyve read that theyll slap it on a disk and add an extra fiver to the price tag so that you wont be pissed that its a dlc :p
  7. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    You cant underestimate them, think about it the largest production country in the world, how much would it take to change a couple of factories from fridges to tanks? and 1 Billion people! if they needed to recruit boy they could steam roll, they have some pretty good tech too.
  8. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    what about the text on the bottom of the map found in the hole "the world will change" Nuclear warfare occupation? insurgency like french resistance?
  9. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    they do, when you shoot a guy whos lieing down he'll stand up then fall over, they could improve that me thinks
  10. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    how long is this "game" going to last? surely they have to release something officially soon
  11. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Its just that, well we have an invasion map of europe, Russia seems to have little involvement and I doubt theres a country in that region capable of taking on the whole of europe, other than China, and the pictures/clues have some chinese characters. :o
  12. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I dont know about new game, we dont even know why china would turn "evil"
  13. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    RECAP: for all those uninterested in 280 pages of reading What we know/think China will be featured as as conquering force HMS Astute may be involved Naval insertions of spec ops teams may be present Possible New bullet physics or destructible environment what we have Wierd texts strange arbabic emails, lil bit freaky to get me thinks
  14. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    No, its nebraska above it is great lakes but in the centre is nebraska
  15. archer-brad

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Is that similar to shape of the us?