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Posts posted by ArmAriffic

  1. Today I got ArmA 1 to try (had 2 and OA 4 ages) and in ArmA 2 after you register online you can play without the disk, I registered but nothin' happened. Not a problem just I don't like using disk's (I would prefer with no crack though)

  2. Well for the last few months I have been having terrible lag in OA with the graphics on low-medium, My graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce G102M and today I decided to see if there were any drivers out, I got the PhysX and G102M drivers and now I can run the game ON VERY HIGH WITHOUT LAG!!!!!!!!

    So if you have lag and have not gotten the latest drivers I suggest you do.




  3. My list...

    1. Improved CQB

    2. Being able to shoot from vehicles (heli door, car door, ect)

    3. Walk inside moving vehicles

    4. Fix those damn hackers in mp

    5. Bloom and Motion Blur have there own visual options, I like post process effects but I get lag like hell when I have Bloom and Blur on, I used that mod that disabled them and I loved it but no work on CO
