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Everything posted by ArmAriffic

  1. ArmAriffic

    Need some help!

    1. Dunno, maybe try making the Invisable H's more further apart 2. Helo's won't land in a hot LZ unless there in UnitCapture 3. You need an AT rifleman or AT specialist Hope i'm helping ;)
  2. ArmAriffic

    Sahrani Official Port To A2/OA?

    I think the only way is CAA1 but I dunno if that will work in OA
  3. you could try moving the mushroom cloud closer to the person and just make it so the player cannot go too close to it with like radiation or something ---------- Post added at 09:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 AM ---------- Code: //Radiation script hint "Player has received a lethal dose of radation"; _health = damage player; while {alive player} do {_health = _health + 0.05; player setdamage _health; sleep 60; } Save this as a script and in the on activation field of your trigger which you've synced to the player, put Code: nul = [this] execvm "radiation.sqf" Thats a radiation script tpw made for me a while ago
  4. ArmAriffic

    Installing Missions help please

    If you don't have the "Missions" folder create it
  5. ArmAriffic

    Pound of Ground available in Store.bistudio.com

    I hate steam so soz not getting
  6. ArmAriffic

    Visitors for Arma2

    OMG you can read my mind!
  7. ArmAriffic

    on-chip processing

    the future is here!
  8. ArmAriffic

    Military Humor

    In the Australian Navy? Got nothing to do? Make a music video...
  9. ArmAriffic

    The End of the Tactical Shooter.

    CoD + MoH + BC2 = War from a 10 year old's perspective
  10. ArmAriffic

    Forum malware!!!

    must be a false positive
  11. ArmAriffic

    Jumping or Diving

    you put 20kg of gear on and see how good you jump
  12. ArmAriffic

    Visitors for Arma2

    I knew you were up to something, and its awesome!!!!!!!
  13. try re-starting the mission, I had no problems with it
  14. ArmAriffic

    ARMA2 PMC decision mission

    I don't think that's in the campaign, I have played the whole campaign and haven't seen it
  15. ArmAriffic

    Best Launcher?

    SpiritedMachine or Alpinestars
  16. put it on the bugtracker @http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cis/issues
  17. ArmAriffic

    DLC DVD Pack

    I think BIS are working on an expansion right now but haven't told us yet...
  18. ArmAriffic

    What RL language is Takistani?

    Maybe Afghan
  19. ArmAriffic

    Military Humor

    Whatever the price is, I just found that and I lol'd
  20. ArmAriffic

    DLC DVD Pack

    Time for another expansion
  21. ArmAriffic

    The very important list of PC Games

    ArmA 2 FTW!!!!!!
  22. ArmAriffic

    Zargabad footpaths

    If you wan't them so bad make a map your self