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About RunQWist

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    Private First Class
  1. RunQWist

    RunQWist Arma2 Missions [SP/COOP]

    Thanks Variable! I agree that the crate placing is unrealistic. It is a bit of "bad" habit that that I will certainly try to avoid in the future. But also, I like that you can play the missions using the weapon you want. Certainly wouldn't want anyone to quit playing a mission because they have to use a weapon that doesn't please them. I have a few missions 98 % ready but I'n having some minor problems with them. I want to make them "addon free", but I have edited them using a shortcut that contains several mods and maps. I tried removing the required addons from the mission.sqm-file, but somehow when the missions are started, none of the scripts work. I don't know why (yet), but I will share them when they work properly and doesn't need addons, although one them is played on the Helmand Valley map. -RunQWist-
  2. RunQWist

    RunQWist Arma2 Missions [SP/COOP]

    Silent Wolves was originally designed to be played with four human players, so that why the units doesn't have silencers by default (thought was that everyone would choose their weapons on their own). And personally I think that despite what weapon the squads AI unit has it doesn't make much difference since it doesn't know how to use it "rationally". Despite many patches, controlling your own AI can be very frustrating at times. But you are right, in real life everyone would of course have silenced weapons. And the guy doing jumping jacks, it is cold in Chernarussia so he is only trying to keep himself warm while guarding :dj: -RunQWist-
  3. RunQWist

    RunQWist Arma2 Missions [SP/COOP]

    Armaholic link added. -RunQWist-
  4. OPERATION SILENT WOLVES Description: Nighttime mission, played with a force reconnaissance group. Your mission is to locate and steal a suitcase from the village of Gorka. Location of the suitcase is unknown but it can be revealed by searching general DIMITRI SOKOLOV's pockets. US Intelligence believes SOKOLOV runs the local guerrilla attacks from Gorka. STRIKE AT GRISHINO Description: Simple sabotage mission. Fire Team BRAVO is ordered to blow up a rocket launcer truck at Grishino. First your group has to locate the russian radio camp. Once there, you order the truck to move into the village of Grishino. Destroy it using satchel charges. Enemies have possible mortar support. More detailed briefing in game.. Notes: - Lots of random elements which make missions replayable over and over again. - Missions recommended to play with Veteran-difficulty level. - No addons needed Known bugs: - Sometimes Urban Patrol Script's debug commands come on screen during a mission, eventhough they are disabled. - There may be a few seconds lag at the beginning when loaded for the first time. Scripts used: Urban Patrol Script: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91696 Installation: Extract the .pbo file(s) to your ArmA2\MPMissions or ArmA2\Missions folder. Download links: - Megaupload http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZCK6KH2M - Armaholic RunQWist's mission pack #1 Enjoy! -RunQWist-
  5. Hi I was wondering that if i have a Ambient Civilian Module in my mission, that how could i check if a civilian is alive? The meaning is that if even one civilian is killed, then the mission ends. And even better if it would be possible that you could check that if civilian is killed by BLUFOR fire, then the mission would end
  6. Thank you BearBison, that worked BUT NOT when i start the game using vanilla Arma2 shortcut (it works when i launch the game using Combined Operations shortcut). Problem is i would not want to play the missions i made for Chernarussia using Combined Operations shortcut, because it is mysteriously does not run that well, eventhough it was advertised to work better than the basic Arma2..I have the latest patches for both, does anyone know why this does not work for both versions?
  7. Okay, the .paa-files work with the resolution 128*128 WHEN I launch Combined Operations. Its a poor quality though of course, tried a bigger one and the game crashed. Havent tried jpeg:s yet. Problem is that not even this seems to work when I launch vanilla Arma2. The reason why I want to use that, because when I edit missions, I usually play them with a friend who only has the vanilla Arma2 so that there wont be any addon or other complications cause I have saved the missions with the same version my friend has. And plus, the vanilla Arma2 runs 100 times more smoothly compared to launcing Compined Operations even with the same settings..
  8. Yes i have a folder called pics and the briefing.html..Il try one more time with a same sized .paa -file as in the demo mission-> edit: It did not work..
  9. Yes I was using the multiplayer editor. I also tried that my description.ext did not have any other text than just the loadScreen = "pics\moshpit.paa"; but it did not have any effect.. I know that many times it is some simple mistake with the code or something but I have checked checked and checked but everything should be correct.
  10. Yes I did make sure that the names and paths are correct and saved the mission in the editor. I even restarted the game after this with no effect. The demomission you sent worked fine, which is weird and annoying . Could it be a patch-related problem? The missions i tried to use the picture into are made in vanilla Arma2.
  11. Thank you for the help, although it did not help me :mad:. Your example mission worked fine and there was the loading screen. But when I tried to replace it with my own picture, it did not work, saved it as .paa.. This is really bugging me, I have double checked that everything is exactly the same as you all said here but it just does not work.
  12. Thanks for the help rexehuk, but it did not work, tried it with all those resolutions...could it be dependable of the game resolution that i use? propably not. So weird that this does not work with me, it seems so simple to do. I remember that i tried also with .paa files, but it did not work and I really wish that I could use .jpg format...Any other ideas?
  13. Hello I know there are a couple of threads about this subject, but so far no working answer for me. The problem is that I want to use a custom mission loading screen in .JPEG-format (meaning that i dont want to replace default screens, only to use own pictures when loading an own mission). I suppose this is possible? I am asking for step by step instructions how to do it or maybe send a downloadable demomission that just shows how to do it. I have been able to show my own pictures during a mission, but not when loading one.
  14. RunQWist

    Thirsk Island

    First of all, Thirsk is a great island, thank you for it! I have a question though, how do i actually make the snow blizzard effect that i have seen in some of the other users videos? If someone could give me detailed step-by-step instructions that would be great!
  15. I cant figure out whats wrong. But its not that bad, i tried to make a new simple setup that uses the script and it worked. I guess the solution is to make complete new init.sqf, description.ext etc instead of copying them from your previous arma2 missions..