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Everything posted by StickMan25

  1. I too would have to say that the latest update (v1.59) makes this occur; were the sound remains but screen is black. Im running GTX280. It's ArmA's only flaw now and I fear with ArmA III announced this will be on the back burner, if fixed at all! I have almost 600 hours on Steam playing this game with all the DLC as well and only now dose the game do this. I have a feeling most crap programmers/developer (That's what BIS is just cracker jack programmers!) they fixes some issues but then brake other things. Hope on ArmA III they don't get ahead of themselves and we end up with million updates/beta patches. While the many patches show they are willing to work to fix things I feel it more shows their inability to get it right! Because as it sits right now the game un-playable, as you don't know when (5 mins or 4 hours) it will leave you F#@ked. Now I got 10's if not 100's of hours making mission that are now no good. I'll wait (maybe never) to buy ArmA III to see how many errors and bugs it has or if the community reports crucial errors like these before investing again with some cracker jack game developer!