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Everything posted by toxicshadow

  1. Hi All, I have started to get into the Arma series of games and I am really enjoying them. I now have arma 2 and OA and as such they have combined to become "combined operations". From here on I have a number of problems: 1. Combined operations does not seem to see standalone arma 2 servers? is this intended as some of my friends have only got arma 2. 2. Joining servers. it seems that 99% of the servers that I try to join when playing arma 2 (not Combined operations) just kick me back to the server browser with no error message. I guess this is because they are running a mod that i do not have. How do I find out what mods are required / not allowed on each server? 3. I have used the six updater to get some mods but unfortunately ace2 does not support arma 2. how can i get combined operations to use ace 1.3 or create an arma 2 shortcut to force 1.3? Thanks for your help.
  2. Thanks for your replies. The guide in your sig was very helpful as it made the gamespy browser a little easier to understand. Incase anyone else is reading this and having similar problems with being unable to join games and being kicked back to the gamespy browser, try the following: 1. Create a folder in your arma2 directory called "battleye" 2. Goto http://www.battleye.com/download.html 3. download the client and server files under the arma 2 heading 4. place the downloaded files into the battleye folder created in step 1. For some reason arma 2 did not install it or does not know where to look for it because since performing the instructions above I can now join most servers fine.