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Posts posted by Darks

  1. Hi Gunter,

    Thanks for those links, I read through many of them, some I had found on my own but I hadn’t seen the one trying it as an Admin. That to me makes no senses but I will try it. I am set as an admin on my box. But I’ll give it a shot and see how that goes. I also saw that there were conflicts with Realtech drivers and NVidia. That did peek my interest because I do have both of those on my board. The lan is by Realtec which I wasn’t happy about since Intel is clearly the way to go when it comes to lan cards. I have a Intel gigabit card I will install that too and give it a shot. I have a feeling that may work. And my crashing seems to be only related to LAN play. I don’t recall crashing on Single player. But I do crash if I click Scenario.

    I’m still kind of Peeved at BI for not resolving these types of issues in the first place. It should never ever take several patches later to fix this kind of stuff that should have been fixed out the gate.

    Thanks for all your help dude!

  2. Sorry, But I’m going to tell you where you can stick your, it’s your PC at fault. Because it’s not my PC. you guys need to take a long hard look at the forums and the tons of post that are here and on Steams forums about how shitty the game is in terms of I can’t get it to run for more than 10 mins at a time before it crashes.

    I recently rebuilt my pc from scratch, has all the latest drivers too. I’m not an idiot, I know what I’m doing I’ve been doing this kind of crap for over 20 years. I’m a network Admin, so I think I’m very capable of troubleshooting my pc and any issues. Again I will spell this out for you guys since you are too stupid to read my prior comments about. “I have NO OTHER ISSSUES RUNNING ANY OTHER GAME EXCEPT THIS ONE†Got it??

    This is A typical of BI, this is not the first time one of their games has been released in this bug ridden constant crashing state. I have seen this from the very first game they released up to this latest version that what a surprise it also crashes all the time. Truthfully it’s a wonder this company is still in business, I can’t see how any of you can sit here and defend these guys. You all have lost your damn minds if you ask me. Because no one in their right mind defends a game that doesn’t run well and continually crashes.

    ---------- Post added at 07:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 AM ----------


    This is the error message in the report file I keep getting. To me it’s referencing the video drivers. But these are the latest drivers out for the game.

    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 7C809750

    graphics: D3D9, Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285, Driver:nvd3dum.dll

    resolution: 1920x1200x32

    I don’t use mods at all, just a straight up install of the game I even left the graphics setting at normal. Didn’t change any of them. Except I turned shadows off. Just to see if that helps. It didn’t.

    Makes no scense to me why the game crashes. And yes I have Physx off. I even turned off all setting for the game inside Nvidia control panel and let the game handle it all. The card is not over heating I have a gadget up that shows me the temps of the gpu. It never goes over 116 degrees.

    If I sound like I’ve been an ass, sorry but my frustration level has about had it with this game and the constant crashes.

    ---------- Post added at 07:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 AM ----------

    My system Specs are these.

    ASUS P7P55D Delux MB

    8 GIG Ram - Corsair 9-9-9-9-24

    EVGA GTX 285

    Intel i7 2.8 Quad Core

    Win 7 x64

    2 Hard Drives. Western Digital 1 TB FALS

    all of these are up-to-date with latest drivers.

  3. Hey Gunter,

    You know what dude, just stop right there. I dont need your endless baggering about my system and what might be wrong with my pc, My pc is jsut fine and most likly is 5 times better than anything your running. Its this stupid unfinished beta of a game thats the problem. Whining? dude get a life and stop kissing the devs asses. I guess its whining when you pay your hard earned money for a game you cant even play right? thats what whining is?

    Take a good look at the post on this forum and its mostly about people that cant run the game for more than 10 mins at a time without it CTTDT.

    And I guess Im assumnng that its my pc and not the game right? its a clean install, I have no issues with any other game I run except this abomination. I dont run any mods, Im not over heating, and no its not my pc moron.

    Read the posting on the forums and its plain and painfully clear that this game is not in any shape or form ready for release. its a fricking beta. and we paid so we can play a beta.

    I got a hint for you dude, how about STFU and leave the commenting about help to the devs and not your lame stupid comments.

  4. This is so sad, I love these games you guys put out but I have seen this from the very first release you guys put out with the major bugs and crashes your games have. Its sad that you guys are in such a hurry to release your games in such a bad state. it does not go well for any company or developer to release games in a poor buggy state.

    And they say OF Dragon Rising is a bad game. at least that game never crashed on me, and I could play it longer than 10 mins at a time. I cant say the same for this game.
