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About W@rrior

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  1. Hey King, anything new over here? I'm looking every day for just a little life sign:D Hope you're still working on it.
  2. W@rrior

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Tested it again. V1.0 works well, just keeps the fps very low at 5hz. But maybe it's just the cam (laptop-integrated). When I update the .exe the error pops up every time again. Will test it again wenn I have a new cam... But anyway, thanks for the fast response!
  3. W@rrior

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    I've tested it with another win user and then it automatically reinstalled itself. And it worked. But just with the old version, if I install the update the same error occurs. I didn't have the time to check it ingame, but will it work with the old version? greetings, W@rrior
  4. W@rrior

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    The strange thing is that the demo of faceAPI works fine. I even tested FreeTrack and it detects the cam properly and the preview also works.
  5. W@rrior

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    My cam is detected correctly. The demo of face api works fine, too. I tested it in all different settings. It's always the same: the cam light turns on for half a second and then the mentioned error pops up. Even a marathon of reinstalling and rebooting didn't help.:(
  6. W@rrior

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi Guys, I got the same problem 2 others allready mentioned. Everytime when I klick on "start" I get the message "Failed to start EngineBase:Invalid argument". The strange thing is, the first time I tried, it worked. I rebooted endless times and reinstalled both the api and facetracknoir. Has anyone a solution?