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About Outlander

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  1. So far I've had no luck using the artillery module in this game. So I can't use actual artillery fire like in arma2. To expand on Mr.Burns code: If you are spawning artillery shells, I suggest you create them a bit up in the air, and use setVelocity to give them speed, this way you will also get the whining sound before the shell hits. Here is an example: while { true } do { _pos = getMarkerPos "ARTY_TARGET"; //Your marker where artillery should strike _pos set [2, 50]; //This sets the target position 50m from the ground _shell = createVehicle ["LIB_SH_82_HE", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; //Create the shell _shell setVelocity [(-5 + (random 10)), (-5 + (random 10)), -20]; //Give it speed downwards (-20), plus a random speed sideways for a small spread (max 5 in each direction, x and y). sleep (10 + (random 20)); //Wait before the next shell };