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About dunnobe

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  1. dunnobe

    How Strong Will The PVP Scene Be?

    This existed in ArmA 2 yes. Look on youtube for "unitedoperations.net TVT" for example or otherwise as stated before. Project Reality mod for ArmA3 will try to bring teamwork orientated PVP games. I do hope dao.nu gets back online and will make and host new Valhalla missions for public PvP.
  2. dunnobe

    How Strong Will The PVP Scene Be?

    There will be a PVP scene, either via missions or mods like Project Reality for Arma 3. But most likely (and luckely), not a competitive scene if that is what you are looking for. Also there will be RPG mods and missions that will allow you to do PVP, but it will not be their main focus.
  3. dunnobe

    Which should I get to enhance my gameplay?

    I'd go for the joystick first as I enjoy flying helicopters (and planes) a lot. You could use freeware software like FacetrackNOIR or XiaTeK's software for android phones instead of TrackIR.
  4. Almost anything...animations, sound mods, graphical mods, total conversions, islands, weapons, vehicles, skins, scripts, missions...
  5. dunnobe

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I don't think you're entirely getting my point DM. What I would want BIS to do, is to give a list of all content & features they will implement in the final game, so customers are aware of what they will be getting in the end. Hypothetically speaking, BIS could sell this alpha, fix a bug or 2, add 1 weapon and 1 vehicle in the upcoming months and then call the game golden. Customers would be really disappointed and feel deceived, wouldn't they? The good decision BIS made is offering the game at a nicely reduced price. 25 EUR to buy yourself into this is a nice gesture, so I haven't made up my decision yet, but if I had to pay 50 for an alpha with promises, that would be too much.
  6. dunnobe

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I firmly believe Iceman77 and I enjoy the Arma series as much as the rest.
  7. dunnobe

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    The 'The War Z' did make me aware you need to be cautious with promises (I don't not purchase The War Z to be clear). I prefer buying a game that has been 'completed', with bugs and a full content list than a game that is unfinished with bugs and promises. I'd feel much safer if BIS would make an announcement on what they will add in the future. (E.g. a list of all weapons, vehicles, attachments in the full game.) I'm not complaining about the price, it is a nice gesture. I have no problem with waiting a couple of months and paying a the normal price (50 EUR), money is not the issue. I realize BIS has a better reputation than EA and studio/publisher of The War Z, but still...
  8. dunnobe

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I'm really disappointed they made this game steam exclusive. I don't want to be dependent on steam and I usually buy my games at gamersgate.com which I find a nice platform. Also disappointed in the fact they charge money for the alpha and beta version. I expected EA do this this, not BIS. A demo or alpha lite would have been enough for me. Why do people tolerate this? I wouldn't buy an alpha stage car, boardgame or book either...
  9. dunnobe

    Which version will you be buying?

    "Jeez, people nowadays with their blind faith in everything they read or promise on the internet". I've been a fan of the series for a decade, but I don't believe in this "early access to the game"-marketing. You're basically buying an unfinished product with a promise you'll get the full game. Tell me, how many weapons or vehicles will be in the final game? More than what they offer you now? You get the DLC's for free... if any are released. What if they don't release any DLC or if BIS (theoretically) goes bankrupt or their studios accidentally burn down in 2 months time? I know BIS has a good reputation, listens to and did a lot for its community, but is not forbidden to be critical towards this evolution.
  10. dunnobe

    Which version will you be buying?

    "Jeez, people nowadays with their blind faith in everything they read or promise on the internet". I've been a fan of the series for a decade, but I don't believe in this "early access to the game"-marketing. You're basically buying an unfinished product with a promise you'll get the full game. As an exemple: tell me how many vehicles or weapons there will be in the full game? More than what you are offered right now? Nobody knows. You'll get the DLC's... If any are ever released. What if they do not release any DLCs or BIS (theoretically) goes bankrupt or their studios accidentally burn down in 2 months time? I know BIS has a good reputation, listens to and did a lot for its community, but is not forbidden to be critical towards this evolution.
  11. dunnobe

    Which version will you be buying?

    Not a fan if this multiple payment options model... actually I would have wanted to pay up to 60 EUR on the initial release, without DLC, digital music download and maps etc... Now there's a more expensive version that I don't want and the cheaper version(s) don't have everything I want. Paying for an unfinished product... Nope. Also, we will need Steam to play... pfff I don't want to be dependent of Steam... I looked forward to ArmA 3, but this is a bit dispointing.
  12. dunnobe

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    Disarming the radical groups and a demilitarized country, that is protected military by Egypt or Jordan? Dunno if that is realistic.
  13. dunnobe

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    Isn't there a vote on the foundation of the Palestine State soon in the UN?
  14. dunnobe

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    There's civilized, democratic muslim countries, you know that well enough. Sorry to hearr if you have been attacked on the street by muslims, but that has nothing to do with the Palestinian struggle. They deserve a country and self-goverment as much as everyone else. Away from Israel's colonization policy, blockades of humanitarian aid, racist apartheid-like system, unpunished murdering of innocent people, disregard for human rights and rejection of rules of the United Nations. Sure, the shooting of rockets by Hamas is not good, but what Israel has been doing to the Arabs in the last 100 years is absolutely disgusting. You do realize that around 1900, perhaps 5% of the population in that area was jewish. Not immigrants, but jews who have been living there for 1000 years. And then, the immigration started... Stating that non-jews are equal to jews in Israel is naive as that has proven NOT to be the case. Israel is by far NOT democratic as we are in Western Europe and their goverment and political parties are militaristic and radical themselves. How are you going to solve this problem with a Lieberman as a minister? Not to speak of their population and the religious Haredim lunatics. Check this BBC documentary on radical, lunatic, religous, jewish fanatical colonists in West Bank (Palestinian territory!). At 21.30 you can see these radical jews colonists firing lethal rounds at unarmed Palestinians trying to defend their village, whilest the IDF soldiers are standing right next to the colonists. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xtr6fg_panorama-price-tag-wars_shortfilms#.UKaZMe-7pm5
  15. dunnobe

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Well I'm very happy with GG. Their download speeds are extremely fast for me and their customer support has been helpful. I buy all of my games there.