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About SmartGun

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  1. search the readme for "events" there are examples
  2. SmartGun

    Mp uav

    Hi, you could check Doolittle's Example Scripts there is a UAV-template in it
  3. Hi, the F2 Mission-framework has a Multiplayer Ending Controller
  4. Hi, your ammocrate should work so far. Do you get the "gear" option in your actionmenu when testing? When testing in editor you sometimes have to wait a few seconds until your soldier "recogises" the crate and gets the gear-action. regarding teammates: depends on what you want them to do. you can, e.g. stop a unit at mission start by putting doStop this; in its initline
  5. Good thing, THX! demo-missions are always good to learn from
  6. SmartGun

    Why Winzip?

    or 7-Zip
  7. Hi, on the first question: { task1 = _x createSimpleTask ["NewTask"]; } forEach units group soldier1; could work, not tested -> forEach on the different objectives: i think TASKS are global. So you give one unit a task -> task1 = unit createsimpletask; blah blah blah If you give an other task to an other unit but name it also task1 then this could be a problem.
  8. do you mean all of these one by one? in that case i would use a script, something like: Initline unit/waypoint/trigger: nul=[guard] execVM "anim.sqf"; anim.sqf: _guard = _this select 0; _guard playMove "CtsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idle33rejpaniVzadku"; sleep 0.2; waitUntil { ((animationState _guard) != "CtsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idle33rejpaniVzadku") }; _guard playMove "c7a_bravoTOerc_idle24"; sleep 0.2; waitUntil { ((animationState _guard) != "c7a_bravoTOerc_idle24") }; _guard playMove "c7a_bravoTleskani_idle3"; sleep 0.2; waitUntil { ((animationState _guard) != "c7a_bravoTleskani_idle3") }; _guard playMove "c7a_bravoTleskani_idle4"; sleep 0.2; waitUntil { ((animationState _guard) != "c7a_bravoTleskani_idle4") }; _guard playMove "c7a_bravoTleskaniTOerc"; sleep 0.2; waitUntil { ((animationState _guard) != "c7a_bravoTleskaniTOerc") }; _guard playMove "c7a_bravo_dovadeni5"; sleep 0.2; waitUntil { ((animationState _guard) != "c7a_bravo_dovadeni5") }; _guard playMove "c5calming_apc"; sleep 0.2; waitUntil { ((animationState _guard) != "c5calming_apc") }; €: ups, too slow, 2nd Ranger already posted
  9. Hi, addAction is the command you are looking for. addAction always referes to a scriptfile AFAIK. put in your first trigger something like myAct = player addAction ["nameOfAction", "myScript.sqf"]; in your init.sqf: variableAction1 = false; in myScript.sqf -> goes to your missionfolder _obj = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _obj removeAction _id; variableAction1 = true; the condition of your second Trigger will be variableAction1 this should work in SP, MP will be more complicated
  10. according to createMarker rallymarker1 hast to be a String -> "rallymarker1" try using "rallymarker1" instead of rallymarker1
  11. Hi, cant help on the marker / jip but regarding the comosition: i bet you will find the createVehicleLocal command in your "Createcomposition.sqf" your "mallette" is created via createVehicle wich is global If you change the "Createcomposition.sqf" from createVehicleLocal to createVehicle you´ll have to make sure that only one machine runs the script otherwise you will get multiple compositions.
  12. you dont need to remove the lines, you can just comment them out with //: //BIS_alice_mainscope setVariable ["debug", true]; If you put // at the start of a line in sqf scripts then this line will be ignored. In sqs you use ; for that. If you dont want the whole island being populated you can try it this way: add this setvariable ["townlist",[town01,town02,town03]]; to the initline of the Alice2Manager-logic put location-logics type citycenter on your map and name them town01, town02, and so on. You could also add a trigger area. Then all locations within the trigger area will add to the townlist. This works only on vanilla islands or other islands/maps that support ALICE! this setvariable ["townlist",[trigger01,town01,town02,town03]];
  13. SmartGun

    Pre Load A vehicle with AMMO ?

    Hi, if you want to put weapons / magazines in the cargospace of a car you can do it this way put this execVM "cargo_truck.sqf"; in the initline of the car cargo_truck.sqf contains clearWeaponCargo _this; clearMagazineCargo _this; _this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_STD_Mk4CQT",4]; _this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_RCO",2]; _this addWeaponCargo ["M24_des_EP1",1]; _this addWeaponCargo ["glock17_EP1",8]; _this addMagazineCargo ["17Rnd_9x19_glock17",40]; _this addWeaponcargo ["MAAWS",1]; _this addWeaponCargo ["Laserdesignator",1]; _this addMagazineCargo ["MAAWS_HEAT",2]; _this addMagazineCargo ["MAAWS_HEDP",2]; _this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",20]; _this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_M203",22]; _this addMagazineCargo ["5Rnd_762x51_M24",20]; _this addMagazineCargo ["20rnd_762x51_B_SCAR",20]; _this addMagazineCargo ["laserbatteries",4]; _this addMagazineCargo ["pipebomb",9]; _this addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_West",20]; _this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShell",20]; the string in the Bracket is the classname of the item and the number is the amount. classlists addMagazineCargo addWeaponCargo
  14. Hi, try this addaction: _ActionID = officer addaction [ "Patrol", "obj\patrol.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", "_this == (leader group player)" ]; now only the leader should see the addaction In obj\patrol.sqf put _officer = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _officer removeAction _id; chatOfficerVar = true; puplicvariable "chatOfficerVar"; dont forget to put chatOfficerVar = false; in your init.sqf now place a trigger. condition: chatOfficerVar onactivation: nul=[] execVM "obj\chatPatrol.sqf"; in obj\chatPatrol.sqf officer sideChat "Welcolme To FOB Revolver Lads"; sleep 7; officer sideChat "I Am Cpt.America And I Am The Person In charge Of This FOB"; Sleep 7; officer sideChat "Now All Thats Over Lets Get Alpha Squad Onto Your First Patrol"; Sleep 7; officer sideChat "Your Task Is To Patrol Sangin Town,Report Any Findings, But Be Warned There Are Civillians In Town So Remember The ROE"; sleep 7; tsk1 = player createSimpleTask["Patrol Sangin Town"]; tsk1 setSimpleTaskDescription["Our Officer Wants Alpha Team To Patrol Sangin Town","Patrol Sangin Town","Patrol Sangin Town"]; tsk1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "tsk1"); player setCurrentTask tsk1; "tsk1" setMarkerType "Warning"; officer sideChat "Your task Has Been Set, Good Luck Alpha Team"; just an idea, NOT tested, just typed down fast hope it helps SmartGun
  15. Hi, No idea. but have you already tried the setFace command?