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About felingard

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  1. felingard

    Delete Dead bodies

    Can't find where to delete my reply. Please ADM delete this reply.
  2. felingard

    How to use scud launcher

    Have a simpler way to make workable scuds in OPF (arma cold war assault). You just need to set some triggers for the animation to kick in and some game logics for the explosion in the area you want it to hit. This way is better than the DSF Scud add on. I tried to configure AI to fire the DSF Scud but i could only set the AI to fire a nuclear scud and i want a conventional one. So, i made this at the editor using no addons or external scripts files at all, just the regular editor. Download my mission source code and take a look, i think is the smarter solution and you can just copy and paste to your mission and modify for your needs. Mission sqm file link at video description.
  3. felingard

    OPR nuke scud auto launch

    People. I made a simple script for scud launching, its vanilla. Uses no script and the scuds are working for real with exploding missiles etc... Take a look and if you need the source for your own mission the link is in video description.
  4. felingard

    scud launch script

    Have a simpler way to make workable scuds in OPF (arma cold war assault). You just need to set some triggers for the animation to kick in and some game logics for the explosion in the area you want it to hit. This way is better than the DSF Scud add on. I tried to configure AI to fire the DSF Scud but i could only set the AI to fire a nuclear scud and i want a conventional one. So, i made this at the editor using no addons or external scripts files at all, just the regular editor. Download my mission source code and take a look, i think is the smarter solution and you can just copy and paste to your mission and modify for your needs. Mission sqm file link at video description.
  5. Oh yeah dude! It worked really well. This info should be in AIS module information because many people do missions with AIS and respawn and got the same issue. Thank you for your time. See you
  6. Thank you! Its probably that. Yes. I´m using AIS, First Aid Simulation and battlefield clearance on the playable units. But i did not get it. Should i put this code line that you told me in the unit initialization and its fixed? If not. Can you explain me better how i call to set captive false when the unit dies?
  7. Hi Im playing arma 1 and 2 for a while and amateur editing missions. So i know the basics and know about the AI regular problems but what i have here is different. My mission is a PvP COOP. Like, if the BLUFOR reaches some places the OPFOR will send AI reinforcements and if OPFOR reaches certain places BLUEFOR will send AI reinforcements. BLUEFOR and OPFOR have players slots. What is happening is everything works fine, until the BLUEFOR AI start to engage OPFOR AI. After that if any players in OPFOR team die, they become invisible to BLUFOR AI in next life. The OPFOR AI still targeting BLUFOR players and BLUFOR AI but the BLUFOR AI stop engaging OPFOR players that died once for ever. A detail is, when the mission have respawn seted to SIDE the problem doesnt happen, is certain something with respawn BASE option. The mission have no mods and im using the default respawn config for the mission. Setting a marker and setting the respawn at BASE in description.ext. Have no respawn for unplayable units, just the playable groups, the mission is simple as it can be and for sure is not heavy. Maybe have some basic configs sets to have missions with OPFOR and BLUFOR with players respawning and AI. Maybe a module. But i searched everything and did not find what is. So please help-me.
  8. felingard

    Combined Operations unique Issue

    I already tried change game video configs. In very high or in low the same shit happend. I know the problem need to be fixed with some config outside the game.
  9. Hi people. I buyed Arma 2 Combined Operations on steam and i'm having a problem just when use the Combined Operations. My computer is: AMD Athlon II x4 645 (3.1ghtz) 8gb of RAM DDR3 ATI Radeon 4870 x2 (1gb) as video My Arma II and my Arma II Operation Arrowhead works fine without any need of memory limit or start parameters, but when i choose to run Combined Operations some textures become really bad, like the SUV Painel or Zargabad Trees. I've tried to search for the same problem on the internet without sucess so i'm posting here. I've already downloaded Arma II Launcher from Armaholic.com and tried to run Combined Operations with WinXP compatibility and memory limit to 2047, but the same problem happends. I know the problem is just on Combined Operations, if have a command line, a shortcut, something i can do to fix it please tell-me. Most of downloadable campaigns on the internet need to be runed on Combined Operations shortcut. Thanks for your attention and sorry about the bad english.