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Everything posted by koalasalad

  1. I have been trying to make a mission with areas that need to be captured but i cant figure it out. I want to have something like warfare, where the players need to capture towns or something. Sorry if there is a thread about this...i could find anything when i searched
  2. is there a way to make a trigger end the game if a pre-set building in takistan (ex. house) is destroyed?
  3. is it possible to make a trigger that activates once a player picks up an item (ex. a grenade). if that is not possible then how do i make a trigger that activates once a player walks inside its range?
  4. im making a mission on takistan at night an im wondering if i can add some type of light. Can i add a streetlight or a tower with spotslights or something?
  5. I am sorry if there is already a thread about this...i searched but couldn't find it. Whenever i try to play combined operations the command prompt pops up and this is the last thing it says. ENDLOCAL :end exit /B 0 :ENDfailA2 exit /B 1 :ENDfailA2OA exit /B 2 :ENDfailSteam exit /B 3 Is this the problem and if it is how do i fix it?
  6. koalasalad

    Combined Operations not working

    thanks its working now. When I ran A2 it wanted me to reinstall battleye and after i did that i could play Combined Operations. Thanks for all the help
  7. koalasalad

    Game freezes

  8. koalasalad

    Game freezes

    I just bought the combined operations on my new computer. I am able to play for about 2 hours before the game freezes. I get no error message. Processor: Intel Core i7 CPU 870@2.93GHz OS: Windows 7 64bit Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5570 RAM: 8gb
  9. hey, I play arma 2 combined ops with British armed forces and am looking for a squad/clan to join. I am a mature gamer that is interested in good tactical gameplay. I prefer the warfare BE gamemode but can play the other missions as well. send me a private message if interested in recruiting me
  10. warfare BE V2.062 is my favorite game mode. Is there a way to get it? I went to http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7313 and i saw that i could download it. when i downloaded it, i couldn't play it. I want to play it on the map takistan. Do i have to save it to somewhere specific on my computer?
  11. koalasalad

    Warfare BE V2.062 help

    i downloaded it but i still dont see it in my list of missions to select from
  12. im getting the same problem. I can't figure it out. I'm running Steam as administrator but it still doesn't work.
  13. I bought the Arma 2 Combined Operations pack on Steam about a month ago. For the past week every time I try to join a server the game kicks me and says, "run game as administrator." I am running the game as the administrator. Steam automatically updates the game so I know I have the latest version. I also have the latest driver updates for my computer. (if that makes a difference) There is only one server that I can play on that I know of. (The Grunts Clan Server) I don't know why thats the only one. I don't know if this makes a difference but I only play the Benny Edition game modes. Thank You
  14. koalasalad

    Run game as administrator

    the only tabs i have are general, Web Document, Security, Details and Previous Versions im using windows 7 if that makes a difference
  15. koalasalad

    Run game as administrator

    my problem is that there is no combatibility tab. Any game that i didn't purchase from steam has it but all my steam games don't have it
  16. koalasalad

    Run game as administrator

    I can't find the run game as administrator for OA. I can see it with other icons but not for OA.