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Everything posted by koalasalad

  1. To remove actions you first have to name your action so it would look something like this: sleep1 = player addAction ["Sleep 1 Hour","gen_action.sqf","_timer = 1; _actionpressed = 1"]; Then to remove it you would put: player removeAction sleep1
  2. I have an action that when you use it, it adds a weapon to your inventory and subtracts a score. (i haven't quite figured out how to use money instead of score yet) Everything works fine except i cant figure out how make it so the player will not be able to "buy" the weapon if his score is under a certain amount. what would i need to add to my script? player1 addScore -100; player1 addWeapon "M9"; thanks
  3. I need a trigger to deactivate once a unit leaves its trigger area. Once the unit gets inside the trigger area, an add action button appears. What I need is for that add action button to disappear once the unit leaves the trigger area. Would I have to put something in the condition of the trigger? thanks
  4. Thanks Bushlurker!! I got it working now.
  5. I am doing the Tutorial and I keep getting this error message when I try to import Satellite + Mask: Error loading 'p:\tut\tut_samplemap\source\mapLegend.png" my tag is SALAD so shouldn't it be p:\SALAD\tut_samplemap\source\mapLegend.png thanks for the help
  6. So i made a quick mission and attached some minitripod MG gunners on an MV-22. Everything works fine except when I make a turn with the MV-22 all the units fall off. Is there a way to keep them from falling off or do I just have to make sure I dont make too hard of a turn? Thanks
  7. I can't figure out what to put in the condition of a trigger to complete a task when a vehicle is detached from another vehicle. Here is a screenshot of my vehicle: My Attached Vehicle (I didn't know if you needed to see it?) When I detach the pickup from the V3S I want my task to be completed. What would I put in the condition field of the trigger? Thanks
  8. Ah...I had a feeling I needed to set a variable Thanks Buliwyf
  9. You could always download Warfare BE. It already has the BAF and PMC units added to it as well as many other cool features. I would definitely recommend Benny's mission to anyone that enjoys warfare. Warfare BE
  10. try this: Populating Empty Towns "This is useful if you're trying to populate "empty" towns when using ALICE2."
  11. koalasalad

    Respawns (setting height)

    Search before posting: Respawn Height Respawn Height
  12. Check Bohemia Interactive's wiki: Ambient Civilians
  13. put this in the init field of the module: this setvariable ["debug",true]; It will show you on the map where all the civilians are
  14. if you need more testers you can PM me
  15. I have the helicopter flying to a location and i want it to hold at a certain height when it arrives. Is there a way to do that? I tried using the: "FlyInHeight" command but that didn't work. "SetPos" command but that didn't work either.
  16. koalasalad

    Making helicopters hold at a certain height

    ok...i probably typed it in wrong. I will try again, thanks for the help.
  17. Name: Luke Age: 17 Location: USA (East Coast) Microphone & teamspeak: Have Mic and willing to install teamspeak if required Languages: English Ready to pay for a server?: Undecided Games: Arma2 CO with BAF and PMC, BFBC2, counterstrike source, COD4, and more! User codename: koalasalad ACE: no but will download if required Roles preferred: Rifleman/Machinegunner Time spent with Arma2 and skill/experience: Been playing arma 2 CO for almost a year. I am mainly available during the weekends but I could find some time during the week if I need to. I'm a good team player and am willing to play any gamemode. I would prefer coop with some pvp thrown in there from time to time. And I will warn you, im not the most talkative person on teamspeak but I could always change.
  18. This just started happening today. When i go to multiplayer I get kicked out of arma 2 and this pops up; "Include file CA\Warfare2\Scripts\ClassicUI.hpp not found."
  19. koalasalad

    warping/lag problem

    I am playing arma 2 with my friend and we are both on the same network using local area connection. The AI are so laggy and i know it is not from the connection. I have a very good connection and i even tried to connect the computers together instead of using the wireless and that only barely helped. I am also positive it is not from my graphics being too high because i can play with all setting on normal with 1920x1080 resolution and when i put all the graphics on very low it still doesn't help. Nothing I have read from other posts has worked. Please just give me any solution you can think of because this is getting annoying. Thanks
  20. koalasalad

    warping/lag problem

    I was playing Warfare Benny Edition...i guess im gonna have to deal with the lag Thanks for the help Beagle
  21. koalasalad

    warping/lag problem

    people can play arma 2 with worse system specs then me without lag. i dont understand. Intel Core i7 CPU 870@2.93Ghz 8 Gb RAM ATI Radeon HD 5570
  22. koalasalad

    Task won't complete

    I have read multiple threads already about tasks but they didn't seem to help. When i make a task in the briefing file it shows up in the game and i can set it as my current task but when I complete it nothing happens. How do i make it so it will be marked as complete when i do the task?
  23. I have been trying to download new islands and mods for a while now but it hasn't been working. I have read and watched movies on how to do it but it doesn't seem to work for me. This is what i have been doing, please tell me what i'm doing wrong. (i have the steam combined operations) Inside the steam arma 2 folder I made a @islands folder and put a Addons folder inside that. I then downloaded the island into the Addons folder inside the @islands folder. I then set the launch options for steam to -Mod=@islands. When I start up the game it shows the mod is enabled in the expansions menu but i can't play the downloaded island. Thank You
  24. koalasalad

    Need help downloading new islands

    it worked! thanks for all the help guys. (sorry about posting this in the wrong forum)
  25. koalasalad

    Need help downloading new islands

    they download as a .7z and .rar so how do i get them to become .pbo?