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About koalasalad

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  1. If you want to make your own Warfare, there is a tutorial here
  2. Good point Kylania :D So couldn't you give both the player and the AI a name to solve that problem, like this: [unit1] join (group player1)
  3. It worked for me. Make a playable delta force, synchronize him to the module and name him "unit1" (or anything else) Then make a trigger: Activation Radio On Act: [unit1] join (group player)
  4. Go into the editor and synchronize the delta force guys to the Warfare module. That should do it for you. Edit: Do you want them to be playable or AI? I'm not too sure cause I'm not an expert at this but couldn't you just use the join command after synchronizing them to the warfare module
  5. Look into: warfare2_e/Scripts/Common/Config I think you need to add the units to Config_Barracks.sqf and Config_Teams.sqf. I don't have time right now but when I do I will mess around and see what I can do. Good Luck
  6. I haven't attempted to switch out the units of BIS's standard warfare but I know that when using Benny's version there are two different places that you have to change for the units to change. Again, I have never used the standard version so I am not sure what files to look in but I'm pretty sure there are two of them.
  7. if you put: this setCaptive true; in each of the suv's init field it should work. you will have to set it to false when you want your AI to fight the suv's again. setCaptive
  8. a simple way would be to put this in it's init field: this setDamage 1; Then just place a marker there in the editor
  9. ok thanks for your help
  10. I do not really know how to explain what I'm trying to do but I will do my best. I created a working money system but my problem is that the money is shared between everyone. How would I make it so each player (there will only be 2 players) has their own money? In this example money = 0 if (money < 100) then { player1 groupChat format ["You cannot afford this item. You only have $%1", (money)]; } else { money = money - 100; player1 addWeapon "M9"; player1 groupChat format ["You bought a M9 and have $%1 remaining", (money)]; }; The problem with this is that when the money is subtracted, it is subtracted from everyone. I need player1 and player2 to have their own money. Would I have to do something like: player1money = 0; player2money = 0; It would be nice if i could just do: if (player1 money < 100) then... Thanks for the help, Koalasalad
  11. Demonized way works the best but if you can't figure that out you could always use the score. PM me if you want an example mission using score as the currency
  12. Are you just playing the standard warfare that comes with arma 2 or a player created version? I know in Warfare BE for example, you just check the map and it tells you.
  13. you would need to put a trigger down with: (or write a script) condition of trigger: taskCompleted task1 OnAct: (for example) tsk2 = player createSimpleTask ["Patrol a Town"]; tsk2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["There are reports of armed men inside the town", "Patrol", "Patrol"]; tsk2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrobj2"); tsk2 setTaskState "CREATED"; Once task1 is complete, the next task would be created.
  14. koalasalad

    How to make A.I. sit?

    I saw something on the forums about the disableAI "ANIM" command. Check Here: AI sit down
  15. yeah it was because the position was undefined, thanks