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Everything posted by AkuKalle

  1. Updated the whole post, added pictures, new information and working video, fixed the link.
  2. Background Information TACO is an international group of ARMA2 players that initially started out as a few friends playing ArmA: Combat Operations together. Eventually we invited more people and needed to start a forum to effectively organize games etc. After this, we decided it would be better if we opened our community up to new players, and to move to ARMA2, and so we did. General Information We keep things realistic, following a ranking system and assigned squads. We make sure that our members are aware of strategies and are well-integrated with their squad-mates, however we don't take things too seriously. You aren't going to get kicked from the server if you don't address your superior by his rank or if you don't use proper military radio protocol at all times. Our gaming atmosphere is more relaxed, in that we allow jokes and messing around a bit before mission starts etc. After a quick and easy-to-fill-out application form, you are assigned to attend on training the nearest weekend that you can attend. You will go through three stages of training (Although you only need to go through the first stage to be able to play in missions.), and will progress through the ranking system. Technical Information Typically, our players' timezones are GMT - GMT+3, and we hold games usually on Fridays or Saturdays at 1900 GMT. We do, however, have a few players from the USA and Canada with timezones such as GMT-7 or GMT-8. If interested in signing up, you can visit our forums here. Media 28RxXxdvSso Looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield :)
  3. Well basically I created an account to criticize the censorship thats raging on CM forums: Youre not allowed to show or write anything negative from their products, especially OF: DR now that Red River has been announced, or else your post egts removed, account banned and IP banned from forums. Here's my post: http://community.codemasters.com/forum/operation-flashpoint-dragon-rising-off-topic-1179/422254-hello-goodbye.html#post6359483 If the post has been removed, then action has been taken already, and my account has been removed and IP banned. If you still want to read what I wrote, but the post is removed, this is what I wrote.