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Everything posted by qtv

  1. Hi, I bought A2OA last week and went and bought A2 this week, mainly to play with the helicopters, planes and armour. Where should I start/what can be done with helos to create great helo campaigns? eg Are there any helo campaigns out there? Are there mods to change the hit boxes/damage allocation of the helos? Are there alternative flight models? Can the hud display thrust/rotor torque? Are there weapon mods I should get? Is there any "sandbox" campaign/dynamically generated campaign mod? Any other must haves for helo operations? My HOTAS controller seems to have some problems with this game, especially the throttle - are there any workarounds? [A2 and OA, all patched]
  2. Hi, I am having controller issues with my HOTAS Joystick (Thrustmaster HOTASX). The throttle does not seem to work properly on helicopters or planes, if at full throttle, I don't get full throttle, while if I pull it back 50% and then push it to full throttle, I get extra power. I am using the throttle on the analogue axis. Also at times the joystick is unresponsive (nose up/down) and at other times I oscillate nose up/down. Is there any fix for this? I thought the throttle problem at least was meant to be fixed by the last patch. [Arma2 + OA, both at latest versions eg 1.07]