You are not alone, an idiot here.
I don´t want to bother anybody, it is only my opinion. Please, don´t be very hard with me.
I am 39 years old, and I have played to all the games of BIS, EVEN some of the team before creating BIS, (Shadow Company).
I have all the manuals, and complements of all his games ... in physical copy.
But I will not buy via DLC.
Even, my 4-year-old son has grown on my knees, seeing since I was playing from the OFP till now.
Don't alarm, only play in the Editor with him, without blood or violence. He loves bikes, planes and Helicopters...
Please, in a future perhaps consider a compilation pack of all the DLC, in physical copy. I would pay what was for it.
I pray for it... I will waiting for that.
Thank you BIS, for many and many hours of good moments in all these nine years.
Best regards to all forum.
I wanted to express my opinion, which long ago I wanted to write in this forum. I don´t want to create any polemic, or reactivated.
And, please forgive my worst English.