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Everything posted by Tilvaltar

  1. Tilvaltar


    Nice strategic game mode with good variety of options! I like games which can be configured to be very easy (weak enemy, most of the islands conquered, high amount of resources) if you are new to a game. I don't like to lose in the first attempt. ;-)
  2. I have found out that two torpedoes will sink the carrier - start four Mantas loaded with torpedoes, first guide them away from the enemy to avoid AA fire, then attack in a row. Fire the torpedo manually if the enemy carrier is in sight, then dock. Take control over the second Manta, fire the torpedo manually - and that should be it. If not, try the third Manta and so on. Great fun, even if the game crashes after this. ;-)
  3. Here the game crashed when I destroyed my own carrier by torpedoes (for training purposes). :-) Same error message.
  4. Same problem here. Nice not to be the only one. ;-)
  5. I have created a single player mission in a Takistani town yesterday. I wanted some Takistani civilians to walk in the streets. I gave them waypoints, but they just stand in place, turn from time to time and don't walk. If I change the civilian's nationality to Chernarus, they follow their waypoints. How can I fix this problem? Seems to be a bug?