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About Paddy086

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Thank you just what i needed to know
  2. I need help same question as before the script file is this // Author: Nicolas // version: 1.0 //variables _bomb = "RHIB"; _bomb2 = "RHIB"; _plane = _this select 0; _i= 0; player globalChat format["%1","Bombs away!"]; //spawning bombs for [{_i=1}, {_i<6}, {_i=_i+1}] do //change 6 for whatever number of bombs you want the c-130 to be able to drop (here its 6x2 = 12 bombs) { _bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle [1000, 1000, 1000]; _bomb attachTo [_plane, [4, 0, -5]]; //spawn under left wing sleep 0.01; //allow the bomb to be attached before detaching it detach _bomb; sleep 0.15; _bomb2 = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle [1000, 1000, 1000]; _bomb2 attachTo [_plane, [-4, 0, -5]]; //spawn under right wing sleep 0.01; //allow the bomb to be attached before detaching it detach _bomb2; sleep 0.15; }; //destroying variables _bomb = nil; _bomb2 = nil; _plane = nil; _i = nil; and the script used in the plain is this addaction ["Bombs away!", "carpet.sqf"]; i need help editing or showing me how i can get this script to work by flying over a waypoint i have tryed editing it my self but its no good
  3. Thanks will have a try and pop a update soon
  4. Hi I am using Nicolas C-130 Carpet bomb script LINK BELOW http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6554 This script works great but now i would like help editing it. The way this script works is by you flying the C-130 and using the menu bar to drop the bomb when you want to. What i would like to do is have Ai fly the C-130 and drop the bombs at a triger point or at a certin car Can any one help please thank you any other script you might think of that involves airplains droping bombs at triger point will be greatly receved
  5. Thanks for all your help works great
  6. well what i want is the plain or chopper to attack the enemies just up on a ridge just as im on my way up to them. i never as a question on a new form on less i do not understand a existing form or the form is not relevant to me. so my question is still up for answering
  7. Hi i have a few waypoints set up with a A10 when the player walks true a Trigger the A10 can fly along its waypoints this works the problem is i want the a10 to bomb targets just up on a hill. but when the A10 FLYS on its waypoints it just flys by and dose nothing Thank you for your input
  8. Hay Pelham you rock. i have been messing around just getting the c130 just to land on the airfield i tryed using landat 0; but it never worked i think it is because i dident use a capital A in the text i did find this that dose work h1 land "LAND"; but both ways seam to work and do the same thing. Thank you for all your help. can i just ask is there a way of opening the back door so a car can drive in or is that going over board.
  9. Hay Pelham I have arma 1/2and OA but im working on maps in OA the current mission im working on is Zarabad the airfield is left of the the city thanks for your input
  10. can you explane a bit more about how to do this please
  11. hello i have a Halo Jump command that works it goes in the -Initialization:- section its [this, 300] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs" what i need is a triger to make the unit do a halo jump only when the same team in present in the area
  12. Hello i need some help with a c 130j i need it to land on a runway and pick up the units and leave the runway is there any way of doing this please
  13. Hello I need help in doing a C-130J extraction. can any one help me or direct me to a video tutorial please thanks for all your help
  14. Paddy086

    Revive Script

    hello i have entered 5 units and in the revive_init.sqf i have entered the 5th unit as s5 so thats ok but when i start my mission it says---------- Unit selected is unconscious please press escape, return to the unit selected menu and choose another playable unit dose any one know what might be wrong thanks
  15. Hello im making a mission that uses halo drops they work fine. [this, 1000] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\Halo_Init.sqs" at the start of the mission its just men walking around till you kill a few guys and move up the street what i tryed to do is halo drop 2 tanks in that works. but when i made a trigger and set it up to run when (BLufor) ARE PRESENT...... i then clicked on synchronize the tanks to the trigger it wont join they wont join together dose any one know a way around this please thanks