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Everything posted by ragnos

  1. ragnos

    Patch 1.56 Bug reports

    Propably not big think, but I've noticed that system creating identities (faces, names, glasses...) for US/USMC units is now kinda imbalanced. I know that identities loads always randomly from some config but in my squad of 12 (US born and raised marines) soldiers, are usualy 4-5 guys black, 3-4 asian (new in 1.56?) and rest white boys :D Maybe it's me, but I would expected more white faces...
  2. Yes, that's what I'm doing. Look at my first post. I can name my mission successfully, but I want multi-language possibility (link to overview). I'm starting to think it's not possible. All original mission form BIS have link in intel section, but they use link to some "global" stringtable which loads on start of the game probably.
  3. I use this Total Commander plugin on Windows 7. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/squad/!Ruprt/Download/Utility/ofppbo_v141.zip
  4. You can unpack music_e.pbo in your Addon folder and play OGG files in media player. There you will see duration of the music files.
  5. Thank for reply, but I don't think it's true. Where that string should be? Here? <html> <head> <title>[b]here?[/b]</title> </head> <body> ... I tried it and it's not working. I tried "STR_RAGNOS_MISSION_NAME","@STR_RAGNOS_MISSION_NAME" and "$STR_RAGNOS_MISSION_NAME".
  6. Still having same problem. My stringtable.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project name="ARMA2"> <Package name="RAGNOS"> <Container name="MISSION"> <Key ID="STR_RAGNOS_MISSION_NAME"> <English>Mission title</English> <Czech>Název mise</Czech> </Key> </Container> </Package> </Project>