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Everything posted by rebelsupertrooper

  1. rebelsupertrooper

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    I cant seem to get the wgl+slx config working, keeps saying I am missing models/scripts Edit: Nvm, I figured it out
  2. rebelsupertrooper

    Chain of Command Unified Artillery 1.1

    Heres the mission, It was a quick one just to try out the arty. You need the wgl5+slx config for it to work tho http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4H8TWE82 And the UA1.1 guide did not state anything about a descripton file.
  3. rebelsupertrooper

    Chain of Command Unified Artillery 1.1

    I'm trying to get the arty to work, its working in basic missions and premade editor ones. But when I make a mission it gives me a error :Resource CoC_DigFED not found. I know its not something i dident install since it works fine in other missions. Oh and it only appears when I click the FED menu. Yes I have the FED game logic and obelisk set up.
  4. Hey, I'm working on a mission where a small group of spec ops hold a farm from massive wave of troops with mines and arty. The mines (CoC addons) are working perfectly but the arty never comes on. I've gone through the guides and some example missions I found online but the arty NEVER gives me the "Is now activated" or whatever message I used to get. I call arty and nothing happens. Yes, I have the obleisks, forward spotter and gamelogics placed on the map. Even on the default example mission it dosent come up. Can anyone help? :( I've done two fresh installs of the addon (With and without others) but nothing seems to be working.
  5. rebelsupertrooper

    Help! CoCAU Arty scripts arent activating

    Yes I am using CWA, thanks.
  6. rebelsupertrooper

    How do you make the AI kill a specific target?

    Thanks, that fixed it. Hes killing the target and its a pain to find him now. Thanks for the help
  7. I'm trying to make a assasination mission, where an AI sniper will wait for a spefic soldier to appear then take him out, and youve got to locate the sniper etc etc. I've got the basics of the mission down all i need is a script to get the AI to stay and wait for the target to appear and shoot him. I've tryed the Destroy or seek and destroy waypoints but its not working, and I can't find a script for it. Is it possible? If so can someone help me?
  8. rebelsupertrooper

    How do you make the AI kill a specific target?

    The script works great, thanks. I tested the mission and the ai did exactly as he was supposed to each time. Only issue is he was to close to town, and got caught to fast. When I moved him futher out and ran the script, he just stares directly at the target but never fires. Is there a distance issue? Becuase when AI shoots at me, they can get a headshot twice as far away as this.
  9. I feel like the biggest idiot to ask this, But ive googled it for a hour trying to find a working script and nothing works... How do you make a unit start inside a vehicle???? I've used this and ofps "this MoveInDriver c1", to set him as driver or pilot "this MoveInGunner c1" to put him on gunner position or "this MoveInCargo c1" for back seat and cargo positions EDITED Nevermind.. I got it working
  10. I'm trying to make a mission where the player can call in two cobras for extra support, But for some reason the cobras fly ahead before the player can call them, I Syncronised the waypoint and trigger but it still flys ahead. I tryed reSyncroniseing the waypoints but it still wont work.
  11. rebelsupertrooper

    Addon issues

    Drat well ok thanks
  12. rebelsupertrooper

    Addon issues

    I installed a few addons in custom folders. they worked fine but i went to remove some and deleted the addons in my main addon folder by mistake, now i cant join some of my fav servers. can anyone help me? Like maybe a list of the addons so i can find the right ones in my recycle bin? :confused:
  13. rebelsupertrooper

    Addon issues

    I found the list, but found out i am missing some of the offical addons, i cant find them in my bin or in any other foldiers. is there a download link somewhere where i can redownload the files? My friend has my copy of OFPGOTY so i cant reinstall it
  14. rebelsupertrooper

    Need help with intro makeing.

    Thank you. The guides simply said to put it in a text file and stoped there.
  15. Hello agin, I'm finishing up the missions ive been working on for a few days and am working on intros/outros, Ive finished makeing em useing the this exec "camera.sqs" camra script but None of the guides ive found have told me how to put the intro IN the mission, collected the data and put them in to Text document,named it and everything but the tuts stop there, They dont tell where to put the file or what to put it in. Ive placed in the mission foldier along with the mission and such but still wont work. I'm sorry for all these noob questions, I just enjoy mission editing and such and am not very good at scripting plus i found a list of most of the commands and scripts ive been looking so i yah ;)
  16. Trying to make a escape from prison mission, cant find the code to make it to where EAST dosent shoot WEST untill they have a gun/start to escape.
  17. rebelsupertrooper

    How do you make enemy AI not attack friendly AI

    Oh ok thank you
  18. rebelsupertrooper

    How do you make enemy AI not attack friendly AI

    The setcaptive works, but with the trigger it dosent, for some reason its saying Set type any expected object. I have the name and such set allready but it still isent working
  19. Trying to make a training mission for a friend, But i can't get the AI to attack the targets. Can anyone assist? :confused:
  20. rebelsupertrooper

    CCE2 for Operation Enduring Freedom

    Can anyone help? Id really like to play this mission! D:
  21. rebelsupertrooper

    CCE2 for Operation Enduring Freedom

    I tryed the mission, but for some reason i cant find the menu to get missions, it never appears. not around the medic tent or anywhere else did i do something wrong?
  22. I'm in central usa, and i am haveing a issue now. i had to reinstall ofp do to me deleteing a file by mistake. and now it wont let me launch OEF. it keeps saying "Prepproccesor failed on file oef_b52/config.cpp error 1" i did a temp fix and removed Oef_b52 untill someone can help me
  23. If theres a server up can someone link me it? really enjoy this mod would love to play online with someone
  24. rebelsupertrooper

    Need help

    I'm trying to make a small simple mission, The US drives to the town and captures it. I placed the get in marker above the truck, then the get out just outside the town then the move marker, but They just seem to skip the truck and walk there O,o can anyone help me? :confused: