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About Eain

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  1. That's exactly what I was after :D Cheers guys, gonna try it out asap.
  2. Hmm and what if I wanted the trigger to activate not on the destruction of the vehicles but the deaths of their occupants? The convoy consists of four BMP's, each carrying five infantry units. Upon engagement the units would disembark to fight, and when they'd be dead the task would be complete. What I want is for the vehicles to be salvageable by the players so I can't link trigger activation to their destruction. The units themselves are in groups independent from the BMP's, which are all in their own group.
  3. As it stands I'm a novice at scripting and commands in ArmA 2 so while I've recently figured out how to make tasks and have them succeed for static locations, doing so for a mobile convoy is much trickier. What I want is basically in the thread title. An enemy convoy rolls by, gets wiped out by player units, and the task Ambush Convoy is set to succeeded. I was thinking something along the lines of making a trigger detect when all units in a certain group are dead, but the convoy consists of multiple groups so I'm not really sure how I would string it all together. Any help would be much appreciated.
  4. Oooh that would be neat. I'll stay on the lookout then.
  5. So I've got this guided missile script from here: http://www.kylania.com/ex/?p=21 It works perfectly well. In this mission I'm working on I want the player to call in a guided missile strike on several armored vehicles before calling in an infantry assault on a town. The problem is that with this script the player can call in an infinity of missile strikes and just wipe out all resistance from the safety of his hilltop. I can't really find anything in the script that allows me to limit the amount of missiles to call (preferably 3) so I guess it would require a new line of code. Code that I don't know. If anyone here could help me out I'd be most grateful.
  6. I did and it's one of the reasons I made this thread. IndeedPete's contribution was awesome and one of those things that other people who use the search function in the future are going to get out of finding this topic :P @ CyOp: I'm aware and no worries. That's how it goes, you're new to some communities and veteran to others and in those you behave like the veterans here do. But thanks for the welcome and I did indeed read the stickies :)
  7. Wow, that's amazing. Gonna get right to that. Funny how that didn't come up in google searches at all... unless I simply searched for the wrong stuff. Thanks mate.
  8. Being new to ArmA II and loving the mission editor (I spent countless hours on that thing back in the days with Operation Flashpoint.... eight years ago), I decided to take it upon myself to make missions again. But... there's so much info that I honestly don't know where to start. Looking around the internet I found these forums, I found the COMREF both on the arma2 site and the wiki, I found the ofpec editing center, I found loads of addons for scripting... Thing is, I don't even know the basics. What little I know of ArmA scripting is eight year old knowledge that I've lost for the most part and I'm pretty sure that the code used in OFP back in the days is childs play compared to what ArmA II uses. Are there tutorials to follow? Or am I supposed to dig through the thread history on this forum and hope to find threads that adress my questions? The Comrefs are huge and contain a lot of info but they assume a basic level of knowledge because they present you with the commands and a really short description of what they do, but not much beyond that. I'm pretty lost to be honest. xD There's a ton of cool mission ideas I have in my head and I know that when I get the scripting side of it all down again I'll be able to make some amazing stuff to share with the community, but I do need a bit of a hand. Anyone have any advice? Thanks.