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Posts posted by Greytega

  1. HI UbiquitousUK I really enjoyed this mission as I did the last one you made, took me about 2 1/2 hours to complete, I love the transition from day to night. I really liked the variety of objectives and the freedom to move around utes to complete any objective I wanted. I dont have much in the way of constructive criticism. i just wanted to stop and tell you how much I enjoyed this mission and that I patiently await your next piece of work.

  2. Hi laggy, just finished your mission and really loved it. I first want to say that this has become one of my favourite missions in any game to date and I truly appreciate the effort you have put into this. I think the reason I enjoyed this missions as much as I did is because I had a excellent pilot(my friend). we found the laptop just fine, but when it came to the insurgent boss we saw him running out of the red zone down the south road. the nuke was also fairly straight forward. The mission was very exciting and pulse pounding and I cant wait to try it with a full 13 players.

    a few things to mention

    I understand that its more realistic but the fact that the Insurgent Boss is randomly located makes things very random. Especially considering that he runs away. He could run in any direction or get hit by the militia and we would have to search the ground and houses for god knows how long, nor is he shown on the map so that makes it all the more random.

    If it is possible to force the Boss to stay in a house or tag him on the map than I suggest that, this is the only true flaw in the mission (only because of the random variables, -shot by militia - runs off - hides somewhere)

    so I definitely recommend keeping him somewhere or showing him on the map (like the mission called Cipher by Author Wiper)

    The AI was really annoying, although I have to fully acquainted myself with AI commands.

    when I would switch out of the team leader he would issue orders to the rest of the squad.

    I assume this is an ArmA problem and not to do with your mission as you do say to make the leader non AI

    Altogether an amazing, exciting ,pulse pounding scenario

    (but please do something about that Insurgent Boss)

    ---------- Post added at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 AM ----------

    Also we are off to try your other mission Beachhead landing in Utes. betting it will be just as fun and immersive!

  3. UbiquitousUK you are awesome, just finished this mission and loved it, ghost recon style, thanks alot man that was so much fun 10/10

    your mission worked well all the objectives were recognised and i didnt experience any glitches in my first playthrough.

    the only thing i did notice though is that once the Team leader is out of action the mission tasks are no longer available and i cannot continue the mission. (if this is how you wanted it then excellent, but i think it would be nice to be able to continue without the team leader)

  4. Thank you commanderKeen for your fast reply, i do have one remaining question that I have and ill rephrase it.

    this is the situation

    While in control of the team leader, I have him in a crouched position with the gun aimed (or at the ready)

    now once I switch to a unit (I use team select menu with 'T' and select the unit I want to control)

    once I am in manual control of another member, the Team leader assumes a Standing, Neutral and relaxed position.

    now I know there is a way to change this as I have done it before (the team leader was assuming a prone position when controlled by ai((this only happened the one time)))

    now I cannot issue orders unless I am the team leader, and the team leader cannot issue orders to himself.

    so my question is how do I get them to stay in the position I left them in?

    Thanks for any reply

    and thanks again to commanderKeen

    and a big thanks to everyone out there that makes efforts to improve this game every day.

    also on a note, positioning my team members manually dose work quite nicely its only sometimes that they wonder off.

  5. HI i bought this game on release and had to put it away due to intense bugs/performance issues. Since then i have upgraded my computer quite heavily and after allot of patches I see that arma 2 is now a wonderful if not still slightly buggy game.

    on a note arma2 runs fine with very few performance issues (i have no major mods installed((just a few user made scenarios)) and dont quite yet want to go into that area as i do not feel accustomed to vanilla aram2 yet)

    (ive got about 30hrs of gameplay in so im familiar with some basics)

    (also I like to play low level skirmishes like 5 quy teams, i am a big fan of the rainbow6 series and ghostrecon games, so i try to simulate my ghost recon gameplay with arma2 and it dose work quite well)

    However Questions

    when controlling back and forth with ai team-mates sometimes that assume positions that i didnt issue (or may have done without realising) like prone or crouch, gun aiming or gun down, (i know how to issue orders like stance (stealth/danger etc) (and also i know how to position formations like wedge)

    when i switch to another team member sometimes the one i just manually position wonders off (even though before i switch team-mates around i issue stop orders to everyone)

    the team leader will go into a nuetral standing/gun down postion, sometimes a prone position??? (that is once i am in control of another member)

    also i love to play in 3rd person and when switching back and forth between members the game defaults to first person/ is there a way to toggle 3rd person?

    thanks in advance for any replies or tips.

    i have to say that the entire amra community has done wonders for this game its amazing to see a whole community turning into a development team thanks to every and all modders/coders/map-mission creators all of you are amazing
