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Everything posted by umpo

  1. http://i.imgur.com/8D7oqwe.jpg (200 kB) http://i.imgur.com/OHSyXlR.jpg?1 (309 kB)
  2. umpo

    Russia General

    Decision about foreign recruitment will affect negatively on russian army strentgh. I think most of the volunteers will come from central asian countries Relations between various ethnic groups in our army are already bad and going to be worse
  3. International contingent arrives to Altis island RHS, FFAA, SFP mods used
  4. umpo

    Ukraine General

    There are no democratic traditions in so called ex-USSR countries, so what do you expect? People just get used to live in terms of poor life, anti-western propaganda, outraged by government etc. In Ukraine now we see historical process of clearing from this awful traditions And i should say you guys from ex-Pact countries can consider yourself as lucky, comparing to Russia where you really can go to jail or be physically destroyed for your political opinion At least when i travelled some countries like Poland, Czech Republic and some Balkan states i have seen much less which could remind me this communist horror which was in Soviet Union
  5. umpo

    Ukraine General

    Message about german tanks in western Ukraine created some panic among russian internet users) [ Russian first channel did a message about children crucified by ukrainian National Guard in Slavyansk I have seen it myself on TV Almost every russian tv channel is full of anti-ukrainian and anti-western propaganda, unfortunately
  6. Hi all, i have a question about steam version of arma 2 CO. I am purchased my copy of arma CO in steam yesterday, and after installation i have two arma folders - arma2 folder and OA folder. And now how i should install mods and unofficial addons? I should put mod or addon in a arma 2 folder or arma OA folder? P.S Sorry for my bad english.
  7. umpo

    CWA 1.99 Bug reports

    Great job with the new fix BIS. Anims are normally working now.
  8. umpo

    CWA 1.99 Bug reports

    I havnt reloading anims of infantry weapons after installing of the hotfix. What the * ?