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Everything posted by GhostRL

  1. The aircraft looks pretty good...Very good job mate.
  2. Nicely done with this chopper..Many ways of interacting with it and all the fast-rope and cargo stuff.Very fascinating!Keep up the good work!
  3. GhostRL

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    Very beautiful choppers mate.Very good job.
  4. Very good job on the mod....And the video is very good too!
  5. Looking for a pilot position(rotary-wing aircraft preferably)on a serious mil-sim clan/squad.I have experience from another clan on wich I was 9 months,I'd prefer tha clan to be based on EU so I won't have any issues with the practice time etc.I've been playing arma for 2 years,so I believe I have enough flight experience join a high-standards clan/squad.