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Posts posted by Farraj

  1. i like alots of new thing so it will take long mentioning it

    Bad things

    1- animation , please work more on it , climbing ladders and changing weapon animations are the same as arma 2 , this is disappointing.

    2- on editior mode , the FPS is 60 + with standard graphics but in multiplayer it drops to 30-20 , i have i5 2500 3,3 cpu and 6780 gpu.

    3- please add new sound affect of the environment ,don't copy arma 2 sounds .

    4- AI still ediots , if u shoot them from long range , they must take cover not only prone .

    5- more characters or give abiltiy to create ur character from the beggining.

  2. Hi All

    i'm a new member here and also a new noob:p on ARMA 2 ,so say welcome to me :D

    i have a problem ,when i finished installing the game ,the game require an update from version 1,0 to 1.7 ,so i just searching on official website and i found an update its name was Arma2patch_100_to_107.zip and its size is 321 mg

    i just download it and install it,after that i try to join online session but when i press on 'join' select its start loading the map ,after that is put me on game lobby where i can see players name and pings .WHEN I PRESS OK ITS loading something and CRASH ME TO SERVER SEARCH SCREAN

    sorry about poor language :o ,thank you :619:
