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Everything posted by scifer

  1. scifer

    Wind blow

    PMC official campaign first mission has exactly what I want: a loud wind sound. Does anybody knows how to put this same sound in missions?
  2. I think wind blow volume is toooooo low! How can I increase it?
  3. What weird stuff? Specify it. ---------- Post added at 16:53 ---------- Previous post was at 16:52 ---------- Is there any script or function that verifies if music is playing?
  4. Sorry for any inconvenience :o I forgot to include the sample mission in this release. The second element in you arguments list is wrong. You can't specify track names in this script, only playlists. The script path and name are wrong. Look in the first post for instructions.
  5. How to change the death music in Arma2 ?
  6. When will Bullet Time be released? ---------- Post added at 18:24 ---------- Previous post was at 18:15 ---------- I think the best inspiration you can get for bullet time effect is in Fallout 3 / New Vegas. Note how their camera takes and bobbing are amazing! It shows the player shooting in slow motion while the sound plays in slow motion too. And camera bobbing is everything.
  7. I was thinking about doing a event handler that would create a similar effect to Bethesda's Fallout VATS camera. [<everyOpfor>,player] addEventHandler ["Killed", nul = [] execVM "VATS.sqf"] Or would It be better as an addon? I have no idea how to do that. :confused:
  8. This is exactly what I meant. LL7oRkewdEw http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=92269&highlight=grouplink
  9. Is there a way to measure noise? I'd like to put some detector that compensates nearby noises like engines.
  10. Hi. I'm trying to make a rescue mission that when the chopper approaches the fallen pilot he joins the player. _trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector", [0,0]]; _trg setTriggerStatements["(player distance pilot) < 20", "[pilot] join player", ""]; The problem is that I don't know how to make the trigger activate once.
  11. Worked! Thanks twirly :) I thought setTriggerActivation would be bypassed by any condition different from "this" or "thislist". My mistake.
  12. Version 1.1 is released. I just did some calibration.
  13. How to spawn a vehicle flying with BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle? Edit: [[markerPos "heloStart" select 0, markerPos "heloStart" select 1, 100], 0, "UH60M_EP1", west] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; Where 100 is the starting height.
  14. I have a convoy whereupon its vehicles are all in the same group. One of this vehicles is a truck filled with civilians. How can I prevent this civilians from disembarking when the group is getting shoot?
  15. I'm running version 1.54 and AI units disembarked when commanded by AI.
  16. Unfortunately AI and player will disembark if ordered to.
  17. I got it! Just used <unit> disableAI "MOVE" on the civilians. Edit: ups! Actually it didn't worked.
  18. I'd like to know how to set things on fire like in this video. mcuRN8OcTbs
  19. How did you set houses on fire like in you youtube video?
  20. I'd like to put some music files in my mission's \music folder and alternate them by mood like when it's night or when you are being suppressed by the enemy. Please give me some ideas :) Edit: I just released my first script. I think it does things that are missing in arma 2. And I don't know any other script that does it. It's called Behaviour Jukebox. Have a look. ;)
  21. I updated to version 1.0 now it has dynamic fade out. That means the music fades out only when stress decreases but plays instantly when it increases like when an alert or danger situation suddenly happens. It's not totally calibrated but in next version I will decrease stress relief rate so tracks will change even less abruptly than in 1.0.
  22. In editor, when you set 0 for x and y radius of a trigger, it will be activated at any place on map. But when you set this same value in scripts with setTriggerArea command nothing happens :confused: _anything setTriggerArea [0,0,0,false]; How can I create a trigger in script that is activated every where on the map, without assigning astronomic values to its area?
  23. I'm very eager to make an addon that enhances 3rd person camera movement with camera bob and delayed and inaccurate movements. I think 3rd person camera is very unrealistic and I'm totally clueless. Is it possible? :bounce3:
  24. scifer

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    How do I put it in my mission :confused: Do I need to use script commands?