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Everything posted by buckybit

  1. buckybit

    [COOP][MP] Airport Warfare - 24

    First of all, thanks for doing this & sharing it. I do have trouble with it, though. 1. First Spawn with Weapon but no Ammo. When I spawn the first time into the game mod, I have my MK, but no ammo. I have to go to/open the ammo box next to me first, and select the right ammo type. In the latest Alpha build (103.608) this process sometimes doesn't work = I try to click but cannot select ammo. It will not appear in my Inventory. Sometimes it works and shows up in my inventory, but then, it fails to load/reload in my weapon. Anyone else having this trouble? Might be a script issue, might even be a dev-build issue. 2. AI is always ahead of me? Again, when I spawn into the game and try to play against the AI, I have to wait for the loading screens to finish (pressing Enter before, does not speed up the process). In the meantime the AI enemies are already at it. Since - as mentioned above - I still have to 'buy' ammo and load my weapon, I am at a disadvantage, because I am exposed to hits (even though I chose 'crouch' stance, while buying ammo) the in-game animation makes me stand up & I am visible to all NPCs (or even human enemies). Most gameplay ends in the very first 10-30 seconds. Otherwise, this is exactly the fast type kind of instant action game, I am looking for to play a lot.
  2. buckybit

    TeeTimes Warfare

    I love the concept. Btw, what language do the NPCs speak now?
  3. Don't forget guys, you're complaining about BF3 on the Arma boards - just saying, the fact that you, we (me included) are rather disappointed by that Battlefield game, is a given, in many ways? All the gameplay trailers before the release, and following the DICE programmers on Twitter made me excited too. I even thought "poor Arma-devs - if DICE goes for realism, they (Arma-devs) are screwed". But, far from it! EA decided to go after the Call of Dummies/Modern Warfare xbox audience and there went my wish for more realism. True - as everyone here already said - the tech is quite amazing (DX11/Dynamic Sound) but still is a typical 'game engine' (with all the limitations). Having to play (with idiots) online to be able to jump into a tank, jet or heli and senseless chicken-runs, spawn-death-spawn streaks, etc, etc ... I'm not 16 anymore. I played Quake a long time ago. The game 'can' be fun, if you play with friends - but again - coming from Arma, you will never be satisfied with fluff?