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Everything posted by cheezy95

  1. I'm on the part where you are shooting long range at targets with the m249 in boot camp in arma 2 co and it will not register my hits. I hit the targets multiple times and they don't go down(thought it registers hits and they will stay up). It is very annoying because I can clearly see the targets being hit multiple times and it wont register the hits. I have done this portion of boot camp many times.
  2. I was playing around in armory in arma 2 co, and I accidently hit a key(not sure which) and the game minimized, went to partially full screen, went back to full screen and I noticed the font size grew and so did the arrow and the loading circle thing. Any ideas? Any help is appreciated.
  3. Is there any proper way to install ace? I keep getting errors.
  4. Just recently my joystick has started having problems in arma 2 only. When I flying once I gt up enough speed the plane or helicopter will start pitching forward all the way, and it won't go all the way up when I pull up, it goes to the middle. I'm getting worried its my joystick but it's only in arma 2. This is a brand new joystick
  5. I'm downloading this ace for co but I would like to know if this is compatible with other ace vehicles that are made for the arma 2 version(regular arma 2)
  6. Don't know if it's been asked, but will this work with addons that are for ace in arma 2(non co)?
  7. I'm trying to make a simple mission with helicopter insertions. I've got the insertion part down but after I insert the customers(i'm the pilot) i want to go and pick up more units. I'm not sure how to do this. I set a way point up for the unit near the helicopter load waypoint. What do I do now? Thanks
  8. Oh cool, thanks it worked. Do I the same thing if I want to extract them after they eliminate all of the enemies?
  9. Will that motherboard be able to play arma 2 if I upgrade my video card, RAM, pcu, and cpu? This is what I have: Vista Home Premium Sp1 Aspire m1201 Motherboard ATI Radeon 2100 Video Card Ram 2bg AMD Athlon Dual Core Processor 4550e 2.3 Ghz This is what I'm lookign at: AMD Athlon x4 640 Quad Core EVGA Geforce GTX 460 Corsair 4gb Dual Channel DDR3 RAM ULTRA LSP 650 Watt Power
  10. Will that motherboard be able to play arma 2 if I upgrade my video card, RAM, pcu, and cpu? This is what I have: Aspire m1201 Motherboard ATI Radeon 2100 Video Card Ram 2bg AMD Athlon Dual Core Processor 4550e 2.3 Ghz This is what I'm lookign at: AMD Athlon x4 640 Quad Core EVGA Geforce GTX 460 Corsair 4gb Dual Channel DDR3 RAM ULTRA LSP 650 Watt Power
  11. Thanks, but I'm not sure if I want to spend over $200 on a card. I'm looking for under $200. Thanks though
  12. I soon to be getting Arma 2 Combined Operations and I know I have to atleast upgrade my video card. My Computer: Motherboard: Aspire m1201 Processor: Amd Athlon Dual Core Processor 4450e 2.30 Ghz(I would prefer not to have to upgrade this) Video Card: Ati Radeon 2100 RAM: 2gb(I will probably upgrade this) I'm also looking at this video card Any Suggestions?