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Posts posted by quantum112

  1. Hey, check this out. I installed Windows 7 64 this afternoon, and after reinstalling the game and checking Arma2OA.cfg;



    So far I have not been able to reproduce the "Receiving..." in the editor, and I've dive-bombed the hell out of Feruz Abad from 3000 meters in the air for like 10 times... I hope I haven't spoken too soon. Still have to test multiplayer.

  2. Values seem ok.

    Same one, small world isn't it. :)

    Server was New-Germany-Fun.net.

    Set all your Catalyst drivers 3D settings to default.

    Have you tried the -maxvram with a value lower than 1024MB (eg.896)? Crossfire off?

    Had similar problems with my 4870X2 on Arma, it drove me to Nvidia.

    Tried both yes, didn't seem to make a difference. In the mission editor the screen takes 3-4 seconds, and during that time since it is local, I guess the game stops. But in MP, the server keeps my plane running while I can't control it and that's a big problem.

    Drivers for this card have been flaky since release, I don't know...maybe I can try with Windows 7. I'll probably switch to nVidia next card as well :)

  3. Sounds like your videocard flushes it's memory and you have to wait to refill with the textures.

    What is your Video Memory in settings ? (Preferred is Default)

    Is your 4870X2 a 1GB (1GBX2=2GB total) or a 2GB(2GBX2=4GB total), never can be sure with the naming. :)

    Post your Arma2oa.cfg localVRAM and nonlocalVRAM. LocalVRAM for a 1GB(X2) is around 1054539776 and twice for a 2GB(X2).

    -You can try forcing vram detection with -maxVRAM=<number> startup parameter.

    -Try using the -winxp startup parameter.

    -Try disabling crossfire.

    Maybe for a 2GB(2GBX2=4GB total) card you are having a address space limit on WinXP

    Video memory is set to Very High, I'll try other values.

    Single 4870X2, so two cores with 1 GB VRAM each.



    I'll try what you mentioned.

    By the way, are you using the same in-game name? If so we may have played together yesterday, I was on a side-mission only server (forgot the server name) playing as OPFOR, there was someone called TonyGrunt driving a captured M1A2 Tusk, the mission was to destroy enemy tanks. Was that you? :P My name was Arx.


    I'm not the host, I don't think I can affect those settings locally. It seems to be a local issue as it happens even on an almost blank map in the mission editor.


    I've changed the Video memory to default, and after a few passes across the map and a few (Receiving...), stuff like this happens now. Alt-tabbing to and from the game made the textures reappear again. Any clues?

  4. This is an error that I get quite often in Arma2: CO, only when moving quickly (airplanes and sometimes helis). I get a black screen with "Receiving..." on it. It takes ~10 seconds for this screen to go away, during which the controls do not respond, and by that time I am thankfully already dead. Very embarassing in multiplayer.

    If I am dive-bombing from high altitude in fighter jets this will happen every time, both A-10 and F35B, presumably because all the textures have to pop in so quickly. Right as I am about to pull up, this dreaded screen pops up and in a few seconds all I can hear is *booom*. Is there anything I can do to make airplanes actually playable?

    My system:

    C2Q Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz

    4GB 1066 Mhz Mushkin DDR2

    ATI HD 4870X2 2 GB

    XP 32 SP3

    Samsung SpinpointF1 1000 GB 7200 rpm (game install)

    WD Caviar 160 GB 7200 rpm (page file 4 GB)

    Game patched with latest beta (same thing even with non-beta patch), all drivers latest, 1 month old clean install, etc. No mods or anything ever installed. No overclocking.

    This happens in mission editor as well.

  5. You are joking right??



    Anyway, I managed to fix this by opening up my ARMA2OAPROFILE file in My Documents and finding the line that says "keyNetworkPlayers[]={};" I removed the number in the {} brackets and that unbound the key.

    The problem was in the fact that the player list key was -not- listed in any of the controls ingame, so there is no way to change it without tinkering with the config file.

    Also, arrow keys are totally impractical, there is nothing in the vicinity to be used for reload, prone, and all the other functions you need to have at hand in ARMA...

    The setup I'm using is basically a mirror of WASD in that you have enter, backspace, space, alt, control, shift, and all the other keys right next to where your movement keys are.

  6. Hi, I have a dumb problem here... namely the player list key is 'P' and I can't seem to change this. I'm left handed and I use "PL:" " key configuration so P is my move forward, naturally whenever I press this the player list comes up ... really irritating. Is there a way to change this control?


  7. Hmm, close, but no cigar. I did a test. I placed a T90 tank on the runway, started the engine then went out and walked around it. Only the front and center channels actually played the engine noise, and it wasn't too reflective of the way I turned around. I heard only some kind of bird chirps on the rear channels every once in 10 seconds or so.

    To compare, I did this same test using analog output, and as I turned around with the tank behind me I could clearly hear the sound moving through all the speakers according to how I turned.

    Not so with Digital Output (it's still using pure stereo :/ ). Thanks for the idea though. I guess it is already using OpenAL or I wouldn't be getting 5.1 even in analog.

    Anyone else have ideas feel free to chime in :)

  8. Hello. I am having trouble getting ArmA2 (& OA) to output 5.1 surround sound over a digital output.

    I have a Gigabyte GA-X48-DQ6 motherboard with the Realtek ALC889A chipset, latest Realtek drivers 2.51. OS is Windows 7 64 bit. Speaker system is Logitech Z-5500 with in-built decoder that supports DTS and Dolby Digital.

    Here is the issue: using standard 3.5mm analog plugs (the 3 of them), I get 5.1 sound with no problem. This is because of the way ArmA detects sound configuration: by reading the settings in control panel or drivers. All fine.

    Unfortunately, the sound quality of onboard analog sucks, and I'd much rather prefer to use the optical output. The problem with this is, it goes through a separate device called Realtek Digital Output. As we all know, Digital signal can only carry 2 channel PCM, unless the signal is encoded with DTS or Dolby Digital - my motherboard supports "DTS Interactive (5.1 Surround)" option.

    When I tick that, the same option gets selected in the control panel, and if I use this option I get working 5.1 in pretty much all other games which normally support it. However, since ArmA reads this info from the control panel, I am guessing it doesn't know what to do with "DTS Interactive (5.1 Surround)" (as it doesn't say how many speakers exactly there is, and you can't use the Configure option like you can for analog to set Stereo, Quadraphonic, 5.1, 7.1 etc) so it assumes the default - Stereo, and as such I only get sound from the left or right.

    Is there a way to force ArmA2OA to output 5.1 regardless of the control panel because my gear is obviously capable of giving 5.1 over Digital output, yet the game assumes it can't (shoddy coding, this. There should be an option in game to select what speaker configuration you want to use...)


  9. Uhh, same here. I bought Combined Operations from Sprocket. Got two separate download links, installed two separate games. I figured there would be an installer of sorts to combine it into a single game/directory. That batch file is a mess, I can use everything from ArmA2+OA by just running OA and that works, but my speedometer/altimeter in vehicles is now missing and the game crashes when I make a map in the editor and shoot at pretty much anything. So what's up with that?

  10. Mouse in the right hand, WASD, normal layout like everyone else. Even though I'm left-handed, I've held the mouse in the right hand since I was 4. Everyone else used it that way so it came natural to me. I guess if I found it awkward I would have switched. Since I didn't I guess I found it comfortable to use in my right :) Trying to use a mouse in my left hand now would be like walking upside down.

    However, I absolutely cannot fly a joystick in the right hand. Or draw/write (use a tablet, in extension) with my right hand. Had to return a Saitek joystick because I thought I could use it in my right hand, was impossible. (Now that's a sucky part, finding a good lefthand joystick. Only the T.16000M from Thrustmaster out now)

    Needless to say I do all the other stuff like a normal lefty does, eat, write, punch, kick a ball, etc. with my lefts ;)

  11. Hello all I have a question. I would like to buy Combined Operations but am having trouble making my mind up between Steam and Sprocket. As Steam versions are usually different I am wondering whether it will be possible to change files on them (add mods, user content etc.) without Steam complaining about something? Another reason why I'm not so fond of Steam is that you are dependant on their servers to play. It has been around or a long time and is generally reliable though so that's in it's favor.

    But I am looking at Sprocket mainly because it is a digital download, so technically the files should be exactly the same as on a DVD bought in store, am I right? So I could download the game from Sprocket when I buy it, burn it to a DVD and save my cd key and not have anything to do with their servers anymore, is this correct? That would be a preferred solution for me if possible. Also, how fast are Sprocket download servers? Game is 14 GB and I have heard people complain they are somewhat slow.

    Thank you
