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Everything posted by duckmeister

  1. duckmeister

    I have played ARMA series for 10 years

    I wouldn't say that the game is "horrible" at representing vehicular combat. I think the focus is to have the best representation of tanks/airplanes as possible from the infantryman's perspective. From the crewman's perspective, sure, it may not be at the dedicated "Steel Beasts" level of fidelity, but from the outside, it looks and acts like it. Really, I'm glad that the vehicles are not at full simulation quality. I don't want to be forced to use a joystick to fly, or have to memorize any more keys than I have to. The truly important thing, IMO, is ballistics, which is very well done in this game.
  2. Weird, I have retail A2 + OA + BAF, and my main screen only has the BAF logo. Is this because I use the "-mod" command line?
  3. Now we are having conflicting reports? 2 out of 3 say just @CSM2 & @CSM2BAF, 1 out of 3 says @CSM2, @CSM2OA, & @CSM2BAF. Gah! If only we had official documentation! See, I would try out both options if they were anything but sound mods. To try to find a difference between the sounds with regard to OA would be maddening.
  4. Okay, this is all too confusing. I have CO and BAF. What do I need to download to have replaced ArmA 2 sounds, OA sounds, and BAF sounds?
  5. duckmeister

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78967

    You do not have any right to complain about something you have never tested yourself. Why can't you understand? They have significantly changed the animations since the RC. You are complaining about something that is no longer in existence.
  6. duckmeister

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78967

    Okay, but they have significantly changed the animations in the new betas post-1.58. So, you still have no right to complain.
  7. I've been looking through the Six Updater catalog, and there's a few mods here that I've either seen in ArmA 2 videos or just look interesting. Can someone either explain, or link me to a page that explains, the following mods? @CSM2 (I know this is Chammy's Sound Mod, but I can't find a download link or any kind of useful information in his thread, he has never updated the OP) @SIX (I've seen this used in one of Briggs' videos, what is it, exactly?) @zeu_AI (Again, I know this is Zeus AI, but the thread seems to be for an out of date version, and I can't find any information on the latest version that's supposedly in the updater) Any help would be appreciated. I might have questions later about OA and ACE compatibility.
  8. duckmeister

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78967

    Yes, the VRAM detection is fixed.
  9. duckmeister

    Afghan Vet Needs Help!

    Getting a new PC is certainly a solution to your problem. Don't blame others for your own crappy PC. And if you want to get any further help, I suggest you stop acting like a total jerk, and maybe brighten up the language a bit.
  10. duckmeister

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78967

    Perhaps if you had bothered to try any of the latest betas, you would realize that they have tweaked them considerably since 1.58RC. Perhaps if you actually try the new animations, you would be able to see for yourself whether the original speeds were "fine" or whether they have room to improve. This kind of post is unnecessary and unhelpful. If you do not even try the new animations, you have no right to complain about them.
  11. I also would like to know this. I have CO, do I need both @CSM2 and @CSM2OA?
  12. http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Explosives+howto I didn't know anything either, until I saw this.
  13. duckmeister

    Questions about some mods

    Please don't take it personally. I was simply looking for more specific information, not just Plus, I've wasted enough time trying to figure out ArmA 2 mod compatibility before OA was even released. I really don't want to go through that trial and error again.
  14. duckmeister

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78967

    You know, with this latest beta, I'm really liking the jog/sprint speeds. I really have no frame of reference as I have completely forgotten how they felt originally (in 1.57), but they feel pretty good right now.
  15. duckmeister

    Can turn right but left turn/aim is so slow?!?

    ^ Or, just unplug your joystick.
  16. duckmeister

    Scrambled game because of HD 200%

    Go into My Documents/ArmA 2/ArmA2OA.cfg Look at the lines: Resolution_W=xxxx; Resolution_H=xxxx; Remember the numbers that you see in place of the "xxxx". In my case, they are 1600 and 1200, respectively. Go the lines: Render_W=xxxx; Render_H=xxxx; Copy the number from the "Resolution_W" line into the "Render_W" line, and the same for the "_H" lines. This should reset your 3D resolution (fillrate) to 100%. tl;dr Go to the game's config file and set the Render resolution to your Interface resolution. Hopefully this can help you.
  17. duckmeister

    Questions about some mods

    Ah, that makes total sense. Thanks. Speaking of ACE, I know that there are missions packaged with ACE, how do I play them? I don't seem them in the Scenario menu at all. Am I supposed to take them out of an ACE folder and drop them into the missions folder?
  18. duckmeister

    Questions about some mods

    Thanks for the answers. I took a look at the readme files for Zeus AI, and it looks like the ACE version isn't updated like the non-ACE version is, but he does give instructions on which modules to use with ACE on the new version. So that is solved. As for CSM2, am I supposed to run both CSM2 and CSM2OA (and BAF) if I have CO+BAF? All at once? I'll take a look at the readme files for the @SIX mod, before I didn't want to download anything before I knew what it was, but it looks like readme files are the only way of getting information. EDIT: After looking at Armaholic, it seems like that won't be necessary. Thanks again, all of this is very much appreciated.
  19. duckmeister

    Questions about some mods

    I thought I explained myself clearly... Extra clarifications in bold. I explained exactly what was wrong with Gunter's links. While I appreciate any and all help, that wasn't what I was looking for. Hopefully everyone can now understand if I truly wasn't making myself clear.
  20. duckmeister

    Questions about some mods

    The CSM2 Armaholic link doesn't help me, as I've already seen it, and it doesn't provide information on OA compatibility. The Zeus AI Armaholic link doesn't help me, as I've already seen it, and it looks like it hasn't been updated (and there are newer version on the Six Updater). The Six Projects thread doesn't help me as it mainly talks about the Six Updater, and I still don't know what the @SIX mod actually does. Trust me, I've done forum searches, google searches, perhaps not as thorough as I should, but don't take me for a fool, I've looked at all of those before. Uhhhh, nope.
  21. duckmeister

    Are speed readouts in mph or km/h?

  22. duckmeister

    Are speed readouts in mph or km/h?

    Did you read the part where I said "I know this doesn't apply to everyone..."? Why do the vast majority of countries use the imperial system in their aircraft? Did you read the rest of my post? This is because Oleg Maddox and his company (the developers of IL-2 Sturmovik) are Russian. The original version of IL-2 didn't have the option to switch to imperial, it was metric only. :D
  23. duckmeister

    Are speed readouts in mph or km/h?

    It's easier for a combination of three reasons: 1. I'm used to it. Meters just seem too low, and my brain can't make the switch. Somebody calls out "he's 500 meters above us" and I just can't make the connection. 2. It is an international flight unit. Regardless of what other countries use on the ground, 99% of the time they are using feet as a unit of measurement. 3. Most importantly, IMO, it gives people what some would call a "better spatial sense". Even with someone who has used the metric system their entire life (or someone like me, who does a lot of chemistry), they have a much better sense of what 10,000 feet is (in height) than the equivalent in meters. I know this doesn't apply to everyone, but for most people, feet just seems to "click" better, if you know what I mean.
  24. duckmeister

    Are speed readouts in mph or km/h?

    I play IL-2 Sturmovik a lot, and I have to say, with aircraft, using feet is a lot (and I mean A LOT) easier. I can imagine how much more useful it is with modern aircraft. But on the ground, meters seem to work better, although it would be nice to compare my tank's speed with normal american highway speed without having to convert in my head. But it's a sacrifice I have to make. :D