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About Strykerius

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  1. Just my personal control scheme, I do not know how well it will work for you. But...: Pitch: Left Thumbstick Y axis Roll: Left Thumbstick X axis Yaw: Left/Right triggers Throttle/Collective: Right and left Bumpers Eject: Back Button (Important in my opinion, in case you screw up) Manual Fire: Y Button Flares: B Button Fire: A Button Cycle Weapons: X button External Camera: Right Thumbstick Button Next Target: Left Thumbstick Button Again, this is just my personal scheme. With enough tweaking, you can get the right thumbstick to function as the look. However since I am currently at work, I am running through my scheme by memory and do not remember the full list of controls.
  2. Strykerius

    AI: engage that vehicle oddities

    "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself." That quote has served me true in ArmA. Unfortunately, I cannot help you other than just being a smart-ass, but I am curious about a solution for this... Other than just killing poor Jimmy and taking the rocket for myself.