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About Stivraptor

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  1. Stivraptor

    Arma 2 has stopped working

    Yup, offical patch 1.52 fixed the CTD in the campign, and the public beta fixed the scenerions, for me at least.
  2. Stivraptor

    Crash to desktop

    It also doesnt crash when playing with the armory for me...if it helps
  3. Hey, After spending several days digging the crash reasons like, as most of the community have, iv stumbled across alot of error reports that WIN 7 generates, everytime a crash occures the windows write it in report.wer which can be opend with .text. Question is, since i havnt seen it is being asked in the troubleshooting bug submission (or i missed it). Is there any point or use to put one of the reports here and mabey from the notes it is possible to find a solution and the problem itself to the crash problem?
  4. Stivraptor

    CTD @Scenarios

    Same problem here with the scenerios, basicly i tried the suggested above, it only allowed 5-10 min playtime in one of the scenerio missions and then CTD.
  5. Hey, Iv bought the game 2 days ago, and strated to experience frequent crashes to desktop as i tried to play. so iv come here for some help and suggestions. The crashes, btw, seems to happen only when: The crash includes: "The game Has stopped working" followed by close command. -Clicking" Scenerios" button (most of the time) -Playing the first mission in the compaign, sometimes crashes instantly, other around 2-3 min in gameplay. -The game works perfectly in the Boot camp missions and didnt crash even once. My PC includes: -Inter core 2 Duo CPU E8400 3.00GHZ -Memory : 2.00GB -Windows 7 64x bit -Graphic card Nvidia GeForce 9500GT -DirectX 11 I ran the game with most of the settings on normal except: AA: Low Shadows: High Memory usage: High Iv also tried many performance tweaks posted here on the forums. I would like to ask if there is any official solution to the crashing problems, as i see happens to alot of people as well? Thanks In advance