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Everything posted by UiiN

  1. UiiN


    The irony in the title of this mission (Pathfinder) is the AI's inability to find a path. I don't even try anything besides direct control anymore. If i tell the AI to move somewhere it can take nearly 10min to get there, I'm talking 500m along the road. I've never liked missions where i'm forced to play armor and already i'm annoyed 3 missions into the game. Please tell me someone else is getting annoyed with this.
  2. I can't think of anywhere better to ask this and i'm not making a new post for such a small question. When looking at the server side "Expansions" can anyone tell me what "CA" is? Seems half (If not more) of my servers on the list are red due to this. I can't find out what it means because it's such a stupid little word to google lol. Any help is appreciated. Euan.