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Everything posted by cpt.snake

  1. cpt.snake

    Why to get them both?

    So is there really idea to get both games? Arma2 and Arma2 OA
  2. cpt.snake

    Why to get them both?

    I ordered them both and i just install the arma 2 and then i install OA and then i enjoy the life.
  3. cpt.snake

    Why to get them both?

    Never gonna have that proplem with them both :P
  4. There is pretty much stuff about people asking about controls but i think they all are possible to be found from the game right?
  5. cpt.snake

    Why to get them both?

    So it doesn´t really matter what server i go.It can be OA or Orginal but i just join.cool.
  6. cpt.snake

    Why to get them both?

    I trust in that games are coming in mondey or wednesday see you guys out there then :P
  7. cpt.snake

    Why to get them both?

    Im getting proud of ordering them thanks guys really appreciate!
  8. cpt.snake

    Why to get them both?

    right well i just ordered them both and was wondering was there really idea?