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Everything posted by GrahamH220

  1. lol, well best of luck with the mod, really looking forward to a release. :)
  2. I can do extra research if you need me too. I'd love to help. :) I could do some promotional stuff if you wanted me to because i'm good in Photoshop. :) EDIT: Have you seen this list yet? Came accross it and thought it might help. :) Sorry if you already seen this or already know. lol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_vehicles_of_the_Irish_Army
  3. Np man :) I love the infantry camo & uniform, it looks great with the AUG. :) I remember an episode of Bas's extreme worlds where he goes with the Irish Defence Force to Chad, i'll try find it because it has some great imagery which you may find helpful. :)
  4. Guys this mod is unreal! :eek: I am eagerly awaiting a release. :D Everything looks spot on. Great work boys.