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About DocDanger

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  1. DocDanger

    ArmA2 crash to desktop

    Unfortunately simply buying a copy isnt an option for me as of yet, I love all BI games and have been playing them since flashpoint but i simply cannot right now, that doesnt mean I will not. I just need something to kill the boredom in our last month here... no more missions to take my time. Updating my drivers had no effect
  2. DocDanger

    ArmA2 crash to desktop

    Im going to post something that may piss people off: Im playing OA in iraq, purchased from a local vendor. No access to US markets and we cannot purchase items online (iraqi network, rampant ID theft) I go home in a month and plan on buying a 'real' copy there. If you dont like it, sorry, no choice. I can play editor and training w/o problems, but single player campaign CTD before it even starts loading. Is anyone willing to help me? What programs should I download to submit an error report with my laptop stats? I have a retail copy of ARMA2 that runs without any problems damn near maxed out. Please understand my situation and dont flame me... Too hard.