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About slickric21

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  1. Well i think everything is fine. System Info = "Adapter RAM 2,147,483,648 bytes" Ati Tray Tools = "Installed memory 2048" GPU-Z= "2048mb" (However Dxdiag reports "approx total memory 996mb" - but i'm sure i read before somewhere that wont show the correct amount) As for my 8gb of RAM, thats all fine and reported as 8Gb everywhere.
  2. Just stumbled across this thread. I started my own here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103145 Because i'm having the problem of the game not auto detecting my VRAM properly. Running Win7 x64 with 8gb of RAM and a gpu with 2gb VRAM. No matter what I do the amount of localVRAM detected is always about 512mb and nonelocalVRAM the same. :(
  3. Cheers for the help guys. I will try very high then, although all the info I've read so far pointed to the fact that.. Very high= 512mb Default = whatever value automatically set in cfg file @ Seelix yes your game has detected your VRAM properly thou, mine reports the 512mb figure in the cfg file everytime !!!
  4. Yeah cheers for that, but as I've detailed above..... according to the .cfg file it's only detecting 512mb of ram. So if I set to default, it reads the amount from .cfg file. Which it's incorrectly setting at 512mb ish. It should be 2000mb. My question was (as we've established altering the .cfg yourself manually does nothing) should I therefor choose 'very high' setting instead ?
  5. Cheers for the info on this Maverick96, What video setting do you guys recommend I use then ? If i'm set to default at the mo, but the game is incorrectly detecting I have 512mb of VRAM (I have 2gb remember) Would it be best if I set that to very high ?
  6. ^^ Thats what i thought. does this mean i'm basically playing with 512mb of VRAM and 512mb of normal ram though ??? Seems abit crap if I am :(
  7. Are you guys still using the -maxMen=2027 parameter ? I never saw it was included in the beta patch change log. What about the -winxp parameter any benift to using that on still ??
  8. Hi there, I'm completley new to this game series and have just got OA. I've been slowly getting to grips with getting this beast of a game up and running but one thing is still bothering me... In the .cfg file my localVRAM and nonlocalVRAM seem to be set at the worng values no matter what I do. They always set themselves at.. localVRAM=535156736; nonlocalVRAM=535156736 yet my card has 2Gb of VRAM and my system has 8GB of RAM. I've been all over these forums all day and have read and tried many of the things i've found - nothing has worked to make the game detect amounts nearer to what I actually have hardware wise. It always returns the values above. Tried the -winxp parameter, I limited my system ram to 7804mb in msconfig, i even removed 2 sticks and ran with 4096mb, I have tried with/without a pagefile. Also I edited the file manully myself and set to read only - but i've just read that this does nothing anyway. Whats the latest opinions on these values and is it something i should be wasting time over ? I'm bothered about this becuase I seem to be getting some frame skipping/stutter ...like when flying over the map in a helo, and i'm trying to rule out factors. So far i've established its not GFX drivers,Hyperthreading or pagefile on a Ramdisk causing this stutter. (tested all on/off and its still stutters in the same place) I don't think its HDD access - I have the game installed on a OCZ Vertex SSD and my OS is on a separate SSD, my pagefile is on a 2gb Ramdisk. Using the latest beta patch 72107 and Win 7 x64.