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    I give up!

    ARMA 3 had promise but its really the worst of the whole bunch! buggy and lacks any true focus. the support isn't what it used to be aswell. Time to move on and hopefully someone will come out with a sim that ISNT SO BUGGY. THEY FOCUS ON ADDING CONTENT EVEN THOUGH THE PRIMARY GAME IS FLAWED?

    I give up!

    ARMA 3 had promise but its really the worst of the whole bunch! buggy and lacks any true focus. the support isn't what it used to be aswell. Time to move on and hopefully someone will come out with a sim that ISNT SO BUGGY.
  3. yeah still got the issue, even though you all seem to have your heads in the sand about this. and for all your information Ive been playing ARMA and OFP since its birth. This issue is only evident in ARMA3 not in ARMA2.
  4. Even after the update for 2nd part of campaign ,when asked to use UAV to find spotters for arty I STILL cant seem to take control of UAV until aprox 10 seconds before mission ends? any way around this? I cant continue without figuring this out!
  5. Sorry, this is just an example of bad programming! And this is why this game hasn't been a great seller! Im just fed up with this kinda stuff after dishing out money with hopes of a game that is a good military sim.
  6. I didn't miss, Ive been playing this game since OFP and know how to hit something so close lol. Ive even tweaked the settings on the AI and they still can penetrate anything?
  7. still don't explain why I cant kill an AI at about 10 feet through grass with a headshot? full clip and the AI wasn't even injured? And the rounds from an A pistol should not penetrate and go through the large trees or stone walls! even real life that is impossible. Large caliber, yes to some point but not small arms fire.
  8. So why in the heck can the AI shoot through stone walls and tree trunks etc? And I cant shoot through grass? and an AI has to take at least 10 to 20 hits before going down? I though this issue was fixed a long time ago?
  9. ok I have the controller and the uav but cant seem to do a thing with it??? At best I get a map pop up and there is a box that sez "take control" but clicking on it does nothing? this is in the new campaign. This game is getting so frustrating it isn't funny any longer.
  10. GTDAWG

    Increased in Steam ticket failure

    Since last patch the multiplayer menu does not readjust for ping rates? you have to manually do it yourself. And Now the AI under your control are dumb as bricks? (they aquire enemy but don't fire?) And Im still having issues with OPfor AI just appearing out of nowhere?
  11. GTDAWG

    Helo mouse control

    I double checked freelook and it isn't enabled, also tried double tapping ALT. Still didn't fix. reinstalled once again and this time I disabled my anti virus BEFORE reinstall. Well guess what the Helo works as it should now? How the heck can antivirus do this? Im using F secure at this time.
  12. I cannot get the helo to control with mouse like arma II? only thing mouse does is camera angle? I tried key binding and that didn't work either? Im used to pushing mouse up to make helo go forward etc. I even reinstalled the game with the same effects? im using windows 7 with 3 vid cards GTX 670 in SLI . quad core processor.
  13. THANKS FOR THE HELP GUYS! Beta seemed to fix the issue.
  14. Helo cant be controlled by mouse since last update? I tried to change the settings in the helo movement in the options menu but it don't help? I can control by keyboard only. Im using windows 7 64 bit. also using ARMAII presets. what is bulldozer settings?