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Everything posted by A-SUICIDAL


    AddAction Question

    Sounds good. Thanks.
  2. I attached a Tripod_bag and an MK19 bag to a truck, then when I used the action to detach it from the truck, the bags were then standing straight up, and for the life of me I can't seem to get them to lay flat. If I use "bag1 setVectorUp [0,0,1]" it still stands straight up. How would I get the bag to lay flat when detached from the vehicle, like when you carry it and then drop it and it is then lying flat.

    AddAction Question

    Yeah, it's a couple of months later, but I came back to this thread because I was wondering where the tripod bag is in the editor? Like, all I see is the actual weapon bags for a variety of different weapons, but I don't see just the tripod bag anywhere. I'm just getting tired of disassembling tripod weapons at base and shoving them into the back of a vehicle to take to the battlefield. It would be nice if it were possible to script a vehicle to already have a few tripod bags and weapon bags already in the vehicle. I mean... if I can put 3 tripod bags in the vehicle and 3 weapon bags in the vehicle while I'm playing the game, shouldn't there be a way to just script them into the vehicle ahead of time? Anybody? ---------- Post added at 09:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 AM ---------- So I searched and found out that the tripod bag is called "Tripod_bag", so I scripted it into my mission. So now I have a bunch of tripod bags and mk19 bags near my ammo crate at base. Is there anyway to script these things to already be inside a truck at missions start? ---------- Post added at 09:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 AM ---------- Nevermind. I kept searching and came across this... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=106571&highlight=bag+vehicle&page=2 so the answer is attachTo. Got it ;) It actually sound like a fun scripting challenge.
  4. I once tried to drag my base outside the map borders and weird things started happening, like my flagpole actions were not accessible and other strange things.

    Teleport to Team Leader

    Hmm, I'm not so sure how to use modelToWorld, and when you said... Maybe check the ATL select 2 value of S1 and setPosATL them after the move? I'm not so sure how to do that either. So far, this is what I have... _unit = _this select 1; if ( vehicle s1 != s1) then { _unit moveInCargo MHQ; } else { if ( vehicle s1 == s1) then { _unit setDir direction s1; _unit setUnitPos "DOWN"; _unit setPosATL [ getPosATL s1 select 0, (getPosATL s1 select 1) - 2, getPosATL s1 select 2] }; }; but "_unit setUnitPos "DOWN" doesn't seem to work on humans, and I have AI disabled in the coop mission, and even when I enable the AI and tell them to use the flagpole action, they run over to the pole and try to perform the action, but nothing happens.

    Teleport to Team Leader

    this worked too... _unit setDir direction s1; it definitely placed the player facing the same direction as s1, but it seemed to place the player behind and to the right a little. I kind of want him directly behind s1 if I can. Oh, and I stumbled on it when I was goofing around - trial and error guessing. I had no idea it would actually work, but it did. I'll try what you just said. How can I switch him to a lying down prone position? ---------- Post added at 11:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 PM ---------- The reason why I used ATL was because... if s1 was on a rooftop, players would teleport to ground level below him. with the ATL it then teleported to the same height. ---------- Post added at 01:12 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:55 PM ---------- yeah, if I use "call BIS_fnc_relPos" it won't teleport me up onto to the roof that s1 is on. When I just tested, it teleported me inside of the building directly below s1 and there was no door that could be opened to get out, so I had to suicide and respawn at base. So I kind of need ATL to prevent that.

    Sp/oa - angel squad

    Thanks BoneBoys
  8. I created a single player mission called "Angel Squad", but when I choose to play it through the "Scenarios/Single Missions" menu, the name of the mission looks like... "AngelSquad.Takistan", but I would rather it appear on the menu as "Angel Squad". The other missions on the list have spaces and look normal with out the .MapName attached. How do I do this? It's the last thing I have been trying to figure out. I want to release this mission like yesterday and I'm still hung up on this.
  9. I released it. YAY! lol, as if anybody is even going to play it ever. SP missions aren't the most popular missions to play. Well, after spending all that time on the intro, I wasn't about to just throw the map in the garbage. The intro came out awesome. The rest of the mission plays good too. It's definitely a mission worth playing when your internet connection is down, heh, or if you're one of those Gung Ho single player fanatics. SP/OA - ANGEL SQUAD If anybody does actually play the mission, let me know what you thought of the intro. Thanks.
  10. Thank you Kylania. Sometimes I don't know what I would do without you. ---------- Post added at 01:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 AM ---------- This is not the final release, I still need to test it a bit, but if your interested, here's a link to my Single Player mission: Angel Squad It has an intro movie, after the intro movie it creates a game save so if you die you don't have to restart and watch the entire intro again. The game also saves at each completed objective to help players get through the mission. I should have the final version completed sometime tomorrow, or I might leave the mission as is. Anyway... Enjoy!

    Camera effects

    I've searched all over for "around slow" and could not find it anywhere for arma 2, yet I've seen an operation arrow head movie on youtube that used this exact camera effect. It would be nice to know how they managed to get that to work.
  12. Is there a way to script an ammobox to have the action "Carry/Drop ammobox" or something to that effect, and have it work in such a way that when a player uses the action that the player is forced to walk slow(unable to fire) and use an attachTo to get the crate attach to the player, and if the player is killed have the crate detach and remain where the player died and then the ammobox can still be carried again by other players throughout the mission? I've been trying to script this, but I'm having problems. I've seen some movies like this regarding attachTo and players carrying objects, but have found no tutorials that show how to do it. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Carry an ammobox?

    Yeah, that was the same video I saw.
  14. I found this in the wiki, but I'm not sure how to apply it in my mission. if (cameraOn == _vehicle && cameraView == "External") then { _vehicle switchCamera "Internal"; };
  15. So I have these objectives that need to be captured in my coop mission. When you enter the objective trigger area it instantly captures, but I would like to change it to have an on-screen progress bar appear so it requires more time to be captured. I would also like to make sure it works in such a way that when more than one team member steps into the trigger radius - that the progress bar will move faster. And if the player or players that are in the middle of capturing are suddenly killed, that the progress bar then returns to 0% and would have to be captured again. I also tried to to use "player addScore 10" so the players that capture objectives would be given an extra 10 points on their score, but when I tested this online it only gave points to the host (me). So even if somebody else captured an objective, it gave the points to me instead of them. So I was kind of wondering how to get that to work properly in conjunction with the progress bar. Thanks in advance.
  16. Here's 2 sample missions using the Med Kit script that I put together with Kylania's help. MenWithMedKits.zip You can open in the mission editor and examine how it's set up. I also included 2 sample missions that you can test right away online which have unlimited respawn enabled. I added some vehicles so you can drive straight into a wall, get out hurt, then use your Med Kit to heal yourself, then blow yourself up with a frag grenade and respawn and drive into a wall again and use your Med Kit again. The Med Kit work's much the same as Kylania's heal script but I made sure that the Med Kit could be used again after your respawn - for those missions where respawning is enabled. I do not add any revive scripts, first aid modules, medics, field hospitals, ambulances etc in my missions.
  17. When I removed ,"Air" from the line: _nearestObjects = nearestObjects [_helo, ["LandVehicle","Air"],10]; ... it then would not allow me to release the vehicle at all. Here's my problem. I don't want player being able to airlift another chopper. I also don't want them to be able to lift any of the tripod guns, because when they release the tripod gun, the gun is then left hovering in the air. I just want it so the cars and tanks can be lifted and released. I decided against lifting ammo crates unless I can set it so they can only lift 1 specific ammo crate. I don't want them lifting the main ammo crate at base, but maybe let them lift a different ammo crate near the chopper helipad wouldn't be a bad idea. Anyway, how can I change the script so the pilot can only lift tanks and cars?
  18. Murklor, is there a way to have the hint say "Vehicle Released", instead of "detached true"? I renamed the "script.sqf" to be called "heli_lift.sqf" and referred the add action to use the new script file name. As Holyman suggested, I also added... this setVariable ["vehicle_attached",false,false]; and I removed the ability to lift other "Air" vehicles. However, I would like to be able to lift an ammo crate if possible.
  19. I sent an example mission to Kylania. If he likes the changes I made, then he can add the changes to his original MHQ ammo load/unload script and offer it for public use. I wouldn't feel right posting an example mission to the public using a script sample that I didn't create. I merely made a few small changes, that's all. So far it is definitely my favorite script. After using it for a while in online multiplay, I've grown to like it way more than the Domi servers version of MHQ ammo loading/unloading and teleporting. This version is more straight forward with none of that extra BS stuff where you deploy tents and atv's/motorcycles and the lame timers that make you wait before you can load/unload again. No offense, Domi is cool and all, but for me it has been way overplayed and I got bored with it all within the first month after buying the game.
  20. I used the same script a while back and I am still using it. Thanks Kylania. I have the MHQ and the ammobox respawning. I changed the script slightly so if the MHQ is destroyed while the ammobox is still loaded on top of the vehicle, that it will then set the damage of the ammobox to 1 (destroying it). Otherwise if the vehicle is destroyed and then it respawns back at the base, the ammo crates would remain hovering in the air where it last was when it was on top of the vehicle. I also removed all load/unload actions when the vehicle is destroyed and then add back the action to load when the vehicle respawns. I have a yellow marker attached to both the MHQ and the MHQ Ammo, so no matter where you leave the MHQ and Ammo, you can always find them on the map. I am undecided on the abandon time for both the vehicle and the ammo. I had it set so the vehicle and ammo would blow up and respawn back at base after 30 minutes if left abandon, but I think I might change the time to infinity. It's a great script. ---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ---------- Oh, I'm also using it for Arrowhead, but I'm using the Stryker ICV (M2), which works out great because I have an option to teleport to the Stryker from the base flag and when you teleport to it - it moves you in cargo. It's a 12 man coop mission, so it can actually hold all 12 players, or at least 10 in cargo. The best part is that even if the vehicle is moving, you can still teleport into the back of it. I was thinking of making a deployable net tent for it, but I kind of like how it is exposed and the enemy try to blow it up. Players usually park it between some buildings or behind some big rocks or something to keep the enemy from finding it. I will post an example mission shortly.
  21. Please help. I really need a chopper lift script for a mission I've been working on and for the life of me I cannot find one for Arrowhead. The scripts I have found were not for Arrowhead and in my attempts to try to convert them to work for Arrowhead I instead just wound up with errors. There are other guys out there that have been looking for this too. I've seen it in Domi West OA missions, so I know it's possible, I just can't seem to find a script for it. Thanks in advance ~sui
  22. Oh, duh. I never thought of that. Thanks Carl. So it is possible, lol.
  23. Before I started this thread I had already tried to use the scripts from Domi x_helirespawn2.sqf x_helilift_wreck.sqf x_helilift.sqf x_heli_release.sqf x_heli_action.sqf I didn't get any errors at all, but I couldn't get it working. If I was better at understanding scripts, then yeah, I could probably get it working. It should be possible to make it work standalone. Domi doesn't require any mods at all.
  24. Yeah. I was on a server and they had additional description text next to the player role names. I really want to add this to my mission. I have 12 slots in my 12 man coop mission. the first 6 slots are US Army and the 2nd 6 slots are British. What I want to do is have it say something like.. for example "Rifleman (US)" and then for British soldier "Rifleman (BAF)". I'm trying to wrap up my mission and there are all these little things that I am trying to resolve and this is one of them. I got a bunch of Brit friends that keep joining when I host and they love playing as BAF and they keep hopping into the top 6 slots completely unaware that the bottom 6 slots are BAF soldiers. Please help me out if you know how to add role descriptions for the lobby soldier choices. thank you.